here is a great youtube video of the new Zelda Game. It looks amazing!
(better quality)
Gameinformer had a article about Zelda and the New Wii...
"In this version of the Zelda tale, Link is a young wrangler from a small village who is inadvertently drawn into a conflict threatening all of Hyrule. Beyond the dramatic change in artistic style this time around, the biggest shift will be Link's trips to the Twilight Realm, where he mysteriously becomes a wolf. In this lupine form, he'l meet a girl named Midna with strange magical powers. The Wii version of the game will have players flipping their controller forward as a fishing pole, aiming their bow with the pointer, and shaking the controller to drop into a wild spinning sword attack. And yes, we're as excited as you are to see how it all turns out."