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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:14
Belldandy Gift

what u think of hentai/ecchi?

Topics Misc what u think of hentai/ecchi?
Um, you know, if you're looking for anime pictures, you can just use google images and set safe search on in the advanced preferences. Quite frankly, I'm in my 30s and will look at whatever I want (so long as it is legal). The internet shouldn't be dumbed down and sanatized just so people can use the net to get their kids out of their hair. If parents took more of an interest in what their children are buying, surfing to, and watching, this wouldn't even be an issue. There are a lot of free tools you can use to completely avoid that stuff. Anything that would add more censorship is a bad thing as far as I am concerned.

Besides, there is some really well done hentai (like Spaceship Agga Rutter) and if I want to watch it or read it, well, that is my choice. I don't want anyone else making that choice for me.

....hmmm Spaceship Agga Rutter?

If kids weren't out looking for adult stuff they wouldnt find it on the net. sometimes parents and consumers place too much responsibility on the internet companies etc. They should accept more responsibility on what their kids are doing and exposed to, if the kids are taught well they would know what to avoid anyway.
Mhmm, sadly in this present world parents are so consumed with work and the want for freedom they often neglect their kids. So if kids can't learn fromt he example of their parents the use the internet as a alternative resource for information. Lets face it curiousity is a uncurable sickness, so parents have to realise that kids including teenagers will want to look for what is never uttered in the living room with the familly. can we really blame them? However there are the few people that will take it a step further and make the rest of us look bad no thanks to hormones. As I said its natural to be curious so if parents donb't want to take the responsability kids will weather they like it or not. I also agree with the notion that companies are pressured to much in making everything 'safe' for kids. Well kids are not stupid for one thing, its pretty easy to turn of 'safe' modes.

lastly sorry chonrad your right there are girls out there too that like that, but I am not one of them ^-^ I suppose it is steriotypical to say Ecchi/hentai shows are more for guys then girls ^-^
well the imagery in the hentai/echhi shows does seem to be more geared towards guys, with images of nude girls etc. so i wouldnt blame you for saying its more for guys.
Spaceship Agga Rutter was a hentai done by the man who created Tenchi Muyo. It has a really deep and interesting story... the naughty bits are part of the story, but only a part.

And if nothing else, at least Hentai tends to have plot. One has to keep in mind that hentai is nearly as varied a genre as anime. There are romances, comedies, action hentais, etc. It isn't all tentacles.

If it doesn't interest you at all, you've got options to allow you to avoid it. My choices shouldn't be limited due to the tastes of others though. As an adult, I should have the right to view it if I wish.


"I'm an adult now. I've got my own insurance and everything!" - FLCL
i never seen a hentai anime before, well not intentionally anyway, the one and only hentai i've seen is Adventure Duo or Adventure Kid. It was on the Sci-Fi channel in the UK, anime is very scarce in the UK so when i heard one was on TV i jumped at the chance and tuned in. There were no warnings it is a hentai aniime, but i think the really explicit bits were censored out with the use of fogging. still the anime had an ok story and plot, the hentai bits just so happen to be in the story.
Oh and one thing, how come when people talk about hentai, tentacles are always mentioned? is it some cheeky reference im missing?
Tentacles are a very common feature of hentai. To the pervereted, tentacles have... various... uses...

i dont even want to begin imagining what "uses" they are!
No you don't, i remember tumbling into a site full of that. It was...ahh, imaginative? I suppose thats the best way to put it ^-^' Its kinda funny when you think about it, it makes you wonder who would even think about it? (No one actually has to enswer this rehtorical qestion)
oh! just when i was about to answer that question too! LOL
i would just like to say, i have just read the Sora Unchained volume of the manga, Belldandy in it is so BEAUTIFUL and sweet and innocent, it has recharged my armour and defence and weapons systems in opposing all forms of Ah! My Goddess hentai!
-_- tentacles eh??? I prefer those of an Octopus......
i heard that this whole tentacle thing is mainly due to an anime called Alien of Darkness is that true? is it another hentai one?
Never herd of it, but i would not be surprised, usually the tentacle thing is related to demons more then aliens, You are probably wondering why i know that X.x lol actually its from reading movie reviews on sites ^-^ They all mostly have to do with deomns, so i skip those and move on to comdies *- *
good move! those hentais can really mess up the way you see anime. best to avoid it if youre not into it.
Thansk K1 ^-^ I find movie reviws are the best way ro avoid it ^-^ Sadly even some movie stores don't realise what anime exactly is, I myself have had to have a talk with the manager when i see anime in the childrens section. They often think PG on the box just means theirs some animated blood, or 'R' for violnce they don't relaise what it actually means. By the way did anyome ever see X/1999 or Blood: The Last Vampire?