Um, you know, if you're looking for anime pictures, you can just use google images and set safe search on in the advanced preferences. Quite frankly, I'm in my 30s and will look at whatever I want (so long as it is legal). The internet shouldn't be dumbed down and sanatized just so people can use the net to get their kids out of their hair. If parents took more of an interest in what their children are buying, surfing to, and watching, this wouldn't even be an issue. There are a lot of free tools you can use to completely avoid that stuff. Anything that would add more censorship is a bad thing as far as I am concerned.
Besides, there is some really well done hentai (like Spaceship Agga Rutter) and if I want to watch it or read it, well, that is my choice. I don't want anyone else making that choice for me.