Hmmm, a good question.
I admit I'm a bit hypocritical in that I think women are beautiful. If I were a bit more openminded I'd have said that the human body is beautiful period. LOL unfortunately I just don't really feel comfy with the thought of looking at male nudes. As to good taste, that's highly subjective, after all what's the line between erotica and pornography. (Ack! Opened a kettle of fish there.) I think that as long as the apparent intent is artisitc in nature that it's not that big of a problem.
Everyone's taste are different, I have several friends that follow "alternate lifestyles" and are very happy with their lives. That and they'd kick me in the tush hard enough to make me taller if I criticized them about their choices. (women can be sooo violent. j/k) So I'd say if you come across something you don't like, don't look, or pass the url to someone else. No support, no incentive. I tend to be disinclined to telling people no don't do that since I'd rather not have people tell me not to do stuff either.
The Eccnetric and LONGWINDED Elf