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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:33
Belldandy Gift

Dragon ball ZGT

Topics Manga & Anime Dragon ball ZGT
I really like dbz as a anime action it rocks, but I also admit I have little choice, 'cos in South Africa the only show about 4 anime's, (which does not include Ah! My Goddess) but dbz is my favourite t.v. programme of the ones we have.

Goku and all the other saiyan chars really do rock, and so does Videl. But in GT I really wanted to see Pan go super-saiyan!
I absolutely adore Dragonball Z! Sadly enough, they don't even play the end of DBZ here, so I haven't even been able to see a glimps of the GT episodes.

My absolute favorite characters are Bulma and Vegeta, to be more precise their interactions. Vegeta's such an ass. :) Goku truely is too funny, and his kindness definetly makes up his lack of brains. Although he is suprisingly intelligent at times. I can't wait to see the GT episodes, since I think Pan is probably so cool.
So go-go DBZ!

Ya know...if you ask my classmates about DBZ, you know that it is REALLY popular here....and before AMG hits my life, i'm interested about that anime. I like those final episodes coz the suspense is really in there.
I wish they'd air them here...one thing that does bother me about Dragonball Z; the battles are way too long! It took like a month to figure out the whole Frieza-deal. But besides that, I think it's one of the most popular animes here aswel. I know they sell the manga albums in French, but that's all.
Crud, how I hate living in a small country.
You know the DBZ GT, there's the Tournament here where Gohan has to hide his face beacause he is the Saiyan Man, more like being a super hero to there city and Videl is annoyed to him.
I mean i don't know if the daughter of-- whats the name again of the one who says his the one who always saves the world? the one who is boastful and claims to be always the hero?---which is Videl will get married to Gohan:sheep:

But the biggest fight in DBZ GT is with the indestructible Boo (is it spelled like that?)
And Trunks together w/ Goten has to do the Fusion thing to defeat him cause whenever u hit any part of him and it falls off , it can grow back fast! My-o-my....it has been 2 months now and the fight isn't over yet here.._.

Here in the Philippines there's many anime shows really!:bg:
There's this ANIMAX cable channel that has nothing but japanesse anime as shows and the tv channels have at least 2hrs. of anime everyday(1anime/30min):bounce:

I hope I can watch the final episode b4 it gets me bored._.
I know what you're talking about, Ashenvale-san. :)
I read all about it, the whole fight with Buu (I think it's spelled like that). Isn't it first Bibidi, then Babidi and then Buu? I must say that those names are really cute, but then again, it does apply to the evil pink beast. :bg:

And Videl's dad is called Satan; it's also the name of the town where Capsule Corp. is stationed. Imagine naming a town after a fake here; Satan City! So lame. But, you gotta love it!
The strange thing here is the censoring, here Satan is called Hercule, though the japanese writing still says satan, I watched tamerican episodes on the comp, thats how i know its Satan, and its bibity bobity, and then majin buu, you also get some new and strange chars in the buu seies including supreme kai, and old supreme kai, and then in GT its just strange but is really cool
I believe thae censorship board in America thinks that if they use the name satan, they will be promoting satanism........
HolyBell's right Jwalt....some anime shows in our country also does censorship and i just discovered their real name in the internet. i also think they do it 'coz of some children 10 and below may watch it and something wrong might happen and they will be blamed...._.
By the way...Pan is really cute (the granddaughter of Goku) :)
And i was shocked ( i don't know why:sheep:) that Gohan is already an intelligent business man w/ his wife Videl...
the fights don't bother much the increase of population in the Saiyan generations :)
Actually, he's called Hercule here aswel, but I just figured it out from the name of the town. :) And I was rather bummed out when I heard about Gohan being some sort of scolar. Exactly what Chi-Chi wanted. But I think he and Videl are kind of cute, though a bit on the lame side sometimes.
I really like dbzgt, even so much that I know the writer is toriyama akira, and there is a site dedicated to manga's by hime and others where you can download translated mangas, called

check it out, its cool, hve not downloaded much yet, but I will soon enough
Hey, that's great! Thanks, JWalt-san! I've been looking around for some Dragonball Z mangas. The only ones you can get here are in French, and I -so- do not want to read something I actually like in that language. :) You're a doll. :kiss:
Akira Toriyama? Is'nt he the one who created the Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest Anime and game?
Jee you poor guys. In Australia on chez TV thev already show the very last epesiod of Dragon ball (Z/GT).i was kinda bummed cos it 's ending makes you want them to make another series.But it said "THE END" so i guess not.