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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:22
Belldandy Gift

* bows in introduction *

Topics Intro & Birthdays * bows in introduction *
Well, since I'm actually being a little more active on your forums, I should introduce myself. =) As the username suggests, I'm another one of the numerous Keiichi's in the world. Though, I didn't take the name for myself, I was actually given the name when I first got into Anime in the late 90s by my Anime group, because there were too many people with the same first name.. so they started using Nicknames for us.. and mine has stuck ever since then.

I'm currently a College Student at University of N. Texas, which I had money for a motorcycle. I have been into Ah Megami-sama since I first got into Anime [Thus how I got my nickname... at that time in my life, I was almost EXACTLY like Keiichi.. just didn't have his luck =P ]. and love not only the series and the characters, but the Mythology and world behind it.

Umm.. * thinks * Any other questions? Just ask I guess =)


P.S. I hope no one takes offense to me using k1 to sign my messages. I've literally been doing it for 6-8 years, and it's somewhat of a habit, as well as an identiy I'm known by on quite a few places.
Welcome to the site!
Nice to meet you and welcome!
Im also in Univ working in some projects (like the one in my signature:E ), and some times studying...
(just 3 days more to finish finals :cry: )

Now there are a lot of people saying that they are similar to k1 .....
Heh.. well, I think K1's personality is pretty generic in the world, and thus a lot of ppl can identify with him. =)

But thanks for the welcome, and good luck on your finals. I'm in the process of finishing mine as well [Linear Algebra final at 10:30 CST... ;_;...], so I think I'm gonna need some of the Goddesses own luck to get through this one.


P.S. Awesome 4 wheel racer down there! I'm sure it's not one, but it somewhat reminds me of an Outlaw style racer. I wish UNT had a racing / motor club, since I LOVE to race, and pretty decent on working on mechanical equipment *sigh*.