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Wed, 19 Mar 2025 12:11
Belldandy Gift

Ah! My Goddess Cosplay

Topics Ah! My Goddess Ah! My Goddess Cosplay
So how many of you out there are like myself, and have cosplayed as characters from AMG? I'd love to hear about where and when, and what your experiences were like. Win any prizes? Make any new friends? Have pics??

I cosplayed as Belldandy at AFO2 and a few different Anime Express cons. My friends and I won for best skit at AFO2, and the costume was a fan favorite. I met all kinds of great people; cosplaying as any character is a great conversation starter. :) You can find pics of me as Bell (I'm the one in the Goddess getup; the one in the Battle or Race Queen getup is Julie) at http://www.risingsun.net . Just look under those Cons. I also have a profile on http://www.cosplaylab.com , under the name meli chan (be sure to include the space). I think they might even have video of that winning skit somewhere on that site.

I'm really looking forward to hearing about some of your experiences! I'd love to hear from those of you who want to do the costumes but haven't yet, as well.

ah no, i've never cosplayed yet... i don't think i'd be very good at it... i don't really like dresing up and try to be someone else... but i'm sure you are very nice in a Belldandy costume! ^^
heh, good point. :heh: Cosplay is definitely a form of escapism... not to mention exhibitionism. :P
wow! so many big words...i think my brain will burst!@_@ i've never cosplayed before. i remember last year though i had a friend who wanted me to go to this anime convention and dress up. in the end i wasn't able to go anyways cause i had a dance lesson. she got really pissed at me and wev'e never spoken again. but in the end i don't think that i wouldv'e actually dressed up fur it. sooo yah
i suppose you like should like to dress up if you want to do cosplay... and not to be scared to show your body for certain costumes... (not that you're gonna run around naked though... ._. bad example...)
lol, well, maybe not naked, but a lot of costumes require spandex, which is close enough. There's one girl, Julie, who's known for her Belldandy battle outfit... I haven't got the bravery, or the body, for that one. ^_^;
hey melichan. don't put urself down like that. not all of us can be perfect. not even perfectionists...and not all of us humans can be so...so...so...brave
Thanks scarlet, you're right. I could go into a tirade about the media forcing their perceptions of "perfect" on todays young women and damaging them psychologically, but that would be off-topic. ^_^; Let's just leave it at: I prefer to remain more modest than that. :sweat:
for all those of you who don't like searching....melichan's pictures can be found here:
on page 11
And guess who's pic is on the banner for that particular gallery?
Nice costume btw, you have/working on any others?
I think I've got a total of eight costumes... Lady Une from Gundam Wing, Yohko from Devil Hunter Yohko, Belldandy, Asuka (yellow dress) from Evangelion, Sailor Galaxia from Sailormoon Stars, Sae from Magic User's Club, and Gram from Shamanic Princess. My eighth one is Selas from Hellsing, but it's not quite finished yet.

I'm probably going to sell some of my old costumes and just do variations on Belldandy from now on, including updating the one I've got. She's my favorite character, and that's defintely my favorite costume to wear.

And thanks for posting the link, lion. ^_^
Whoo...lot's of costumes, and neat ones too. You're a very good Belldandy, Meli-san. :) Very pretty too, lucky you.

I haven't cosplayed, probably never will, although I'd love to do it once.
meli, r u the belldany with glasses??
Yep, that's me, back in 2001 anyway. And thanks, Reiyuka. :bg: Cosplay is a lot of fun, and I'd recommend giving it a try if you find a con to go to. The main reason I got out of it, though, is that it's expensive! I got an estimate on a Belldandy wig, and it would cost over $200 USD! I'm still undecided on actually buying it. ^_^;;;
Seems like I'm the only other person who cosplayed in this thread? O.o That's odd.

I love to cosplay. Well, technically, I love making the costumes and wearing them around, but I haven't had the time in my Con schedule to actually *cosplay*. So...I don't know what you'd call me (probably cosplayer at heart), but I've done a few costumes too.

You can find me on cosplay lab.[link below]
My first costume was Bell. I tried really hard, and for a first costume, it's surprisingly good, I think. But I've learned a lot and moved on...I just wish that someday I can re-make some elements and walk around as Bell-chan again. ^^
Wow, Raechan, don't knock yourself, that costume is great! Especially for a first! I notice you said you had trouble with Bell's goddess marks, so here's what I use: Acrylic paint! You can use one of those 89 cent - 1.29 bottles they sell at craft/fabric stores (I use metallic blue). You can either paint it on yourself looking in a mirror, have a friend paint it on, or use stencils. Just be sure not to try and remove it till it's dry, even if you mess up. If you rub it when it's wet, it'll stain, but if you wait till it's dry and you rub it, it peels off with little difficulty.

Also, if you're looking for a wig, www.katiebair.com/wigs is THE place to look. She is the best of the best of the best, but unfortunately, she also charges like it. ^_^; Bell wigs start at a minimum of around $140, and you have to bid well over that to actually gain a spot on her roster. If that's not in your budget, she's got links to wigs that might be.

I'm debating if I should get a Katie Bair wig, or just get a ponytail extension. ^_^;

I didn't get the wig; for now I'm just going to use my own hair! This coming weekend (Feb 25 - 27) I'm going to a big con dressed as Belldandy, with two of my friends going as Mara and Holy Bell! If Gab approves, I'll try and post some of the pictures we get.