Mikuni Shimokawa's songs in the FMP series are superb. Especially Sora Ga, Ai Deshou. Simply love that song.
Oh, and of cuz Yoko Ishida's - Open Your Mind and Negai :p I just got round to hearing Yoko Ishida's - Foolish Dream. The songs tune is simply beautiful.
that's right!!
I like LUNA SEA, Last Alliance, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Miyavi, Suga Shikao, UVERworld, Dir en gray, X JAPAN, Glay, Garnet Crow, Bonnie Pink, Nightmare. and some other groups, but i cant remember XD
Is Jay Chou considered J pop? I am looking for a song by him called Common Jasmin Orange or something like Xi di hua (oooo...probably messed up the pin yin there sorry!). I like it a lot and I found two of his other albums but not that one. I would like to know where I might be able to get it.
I do like a few of his songs on Novemember Chopin. The lady with snow white hair song is really sad though.