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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:50
Belldandy Gift

your funniest moment

Topics Misc your funniest moment
living in queensland there a alot of tourist attractions and me and my friend went on the skyrail ( a big cable car travelling over rainforests and mountains with 2 stops along the way) and it stopped in midair 100 feet above the ground and me and my friend were screaming and we were in there with two 80 year olds and one said to the other " kids these days" it was so funny and embarresing:heh: :heh: :heh: :heh: :sweat:
My funniest moments? Oy...I've embarressed myself so much already that I just can't come up with a certain thing. Let's see...yesterday I went bowling with my dad, sister and brother-in-law and there were like four professionel bowlers there. I throw the ball, slip, and fall on one knee while my other leg is stretched to the other side of me. Pretty funny view.
And of course, the fact that I've lost my voice right now and that I sound like some gay guy is pretty funny too.
hmm.... i don't think i've been in very fubby piculiar moments... although i have a friend that (i don't know how she does...) falls somewhere and somehow in front or near a guy she finds cute... and of course, everybody turns to her ans starts laughing... i don't know how she manages it... it's a mistery to me... :sheep:
Ah, it's probably like, when you all go for a walk in the forest or something, she's the one who falls down or gets her foot stuck somewhere and things like that, right?
I have way too many to embarrased & funny moments in life.And then again I do stupid stuff to make people laugh when there down.Well the latest funniest thing that I well me & friend did was when we went to Shopko & found a 5ft Santa & we put a black bra on him.It was so freakn funny.The customers were lookn at us like you 2 are stupid.Then we started decorateing a tree whith bras.But we stoped & left when 3 employees was heading for us.We couldn't stop laughing.Thats what we get for staying up for 36 & 39 hrs.I aint goin to tell ya what we did at the bar when playn pool.:P :sweat: :bg: :bg: :P :P
That would be a sight to see you falln & sound like a gay guy lololololol.:P :sweat:
I went in this farm once and me and my family were looking at the sheep. They were in a stable eating grass which they also done the toilet in.:sheep:

One of the lambs came out of the stable and took a liking to me. I noticed it when it stood on my shoes. I backed off and it chased after and I kept having to dodge. The problem you see is that it have poop on it's feet and nose. It got my leg and it smelled like poop after that.

Not long after that, I was having to go through marsh land and then my shoe got stuck in the mud. I noticed when I took one more step after the shoe coming off. It was near a fishing pond with people fishing. I went and got angry and shouted out how I hated that day. Everyone looked at me and laughed their heads off. That was humiliating......
hmmmm. my funniest moment.... I remember a time, I was fishing at the sheboygan marsh with my friends. when I casted my fishing lure into the water, my fishing pole snapped in half where the reel sits. I said, "Oh Crap!" and all my friends were laughing at me. I end up laughing about it too. another moment I had was catching a snapping turtle in the rear end. I was lucky that my other fishing pole and fishing line didn't snap and I would have lost my favorite fishing lure.
i've done way to many embarrasing things to fit into one post but i'll tell you all a really stupid thing that happened to me a while ago. my friend was home sick one day so i walked to her house from school at lunch time. i was late in leaving so when i left finally, i decided to run. i was just at the end of her lawn when a leaf fell off the tree and smacked me in the face. this is the really pathitic part, it hit me and then i flipped backwards and got slammed against the ground! it was one of those you have to have been there things though. so my worst moment was getting hit in the face with a leaf and flipping backwards. fun fun!:P :bg:
oh. I never had that happen to me
i'm pretty sure not many people have been thrown backwards by getting hit in the face with a leaf.:P
it is pretty funny if you think about it
it really was. when it happened i ended up lying on my back for about 5 minutes laughing hysterically about it. my friend thought I was going insane :P
trust me, it's a one time thing.
ummm... not really... i wouldn't have been able to fit all the times i've done something stupid into one post so i just choose the worst one. i've fallen down so many times its like my second nature now!
LOL oh alright