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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:23
Belldandy Gift

Make a AMG style wish

Topics Ah! My Goddess Make a AMG style wish
I don't like the "Corrupt a AMG wish", primarily because i always wish for something good to happen, with no real strings attached and like that.

But knowing that a normal "make a wish" thread is a bit bland and more like discussion (which has already been covered), i thought about this varient for comedy purposes.

The rule is simple, your wish must involve a AMG charather and no "corruption".As usual, the next poster must make the response afterwards. Should get people thinking!

Let me try first. I wish that Mishima would stop pestering about her popularity!
Granted and Sayoko Mishima becomes a likeable character.

There no deaths, no injury, no saddness, no questionable behavior, and nothing society frowns on (What now Nighthawk?). The funny thing is that it took more effort to make this granting than it usually does for the "Corrupt a AMG Wish" thread.

Is that what you were looking for or are we allowed a bit of freedom to do little plot working?

If you think about it, the entire series and almost every fanfic (including hentai based on AMG) is a corruption on Keiichi's wish. Everything isnt all good eats, good times, and beautiful goddes girlfriend for Keiichi. Think about it.

I wish that Welsper would get his body back. (Yes, I do realize I did this same one on the other thread, but I am curious how it will turn out.)