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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:29
Belldandy Gift

How many have you watched

Topics Manga & Anime How many have you watched
konichiwa minisan, how is everyone? well i'm just wondering how many anime have everyone here watched are currently watching...sadly i haven't really seen a lot, it seems like i'm so far behind from most of you (maybe even all of you). but mainly i'm doing this to get some recommendation on whch anime is good.

i could tell you what i have seen: ranma 1/2, naruto, vandread, escaflowne, noir, flame of recca, last exile, bubble crisis, tenchi muyo (but not all of them), rurouni kenshin, and i think that's about it.

i think it would be interesting to find out how many we all watch. well that's all for now jaa mata ashite!!

sumimasen, for the long entry! :heh:
Gah...I don't think I've seen every serie to the end yet, except those that I have on DVD, but let me think...

Pokemon, Digimon, Dragonball Z, Yu-gi-Oh, Sailor Moon, Medabots, Gundam Wing, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, Battle Angel Alita, Ghost in the shell, Laputa: Castles in the sky, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Ah! My Goddess, Angel Links, Card Captor Sakura, Gokudo, Rurouni Kenshin, Slayers (the movies), Ranma 1/2, Love Hina, A Chinese Ghost Story, The Wings of Honneamise...

And tonight, I'm probably adding Metropolis to the list. Oh, and one hentai, but I forgot the name. I think that's about it...
I've seen (Oh My Goddess, Tenchi Muyo, Onegai Teacher, Onegai Twins, Galaxy Angels, Adventure of the Mini Goddesses, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz, Megami Kouhousei(Candidate for Goddesses). I have these so far on dvd, There all very good. I have all the the soundtracks for oh my goddess too. If you like the series and I know you probably do, the series have very good musics.:) :heh:
I have seen...

Inu Yasha, Ah! My Goddess!, Card Capter Sakura, Spirted Away and Pokemon...

I just started to really into anime, I have to admit.... :heh:
For Anime series, I've watched parts of Gundam wing and Dragonball (both of which I never could get into), Inu Yasha, Astroboy, Speed Racer, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Mon Colle Knights, Card Captor Sakura, and most of Macross(robotech)
I've seen all of Vision of Escaflowne, Love Hina, Chobits, Hand maid may, Ah! My goddess, Last Exile, Video Girl Ai, and Cowboy Bebop.
For movies I've seen recently Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Metropolis, Ah! My Goddess.
Pokemon and Medabots are fun when I can catch them on the tv but I run in terror when I see a Sailor Scout or Hamtaru.
I know there are others I've seen, but these are the ones I can remember at the moment, and some of the best too!

And Reiyuka-san, I really enjoyed Metropolis, it's a recomendation on my part, And Happy Birthday!!!!
Ooh, Thanks. :) And yeah, it was freaky at first, but turned out to be really great.
And I agree with the Hamtaro-thing, although they're pretty cute. :bg: Kawaii!
Hamtaro and friends are cute, but are also a kind of hypnotic, evil mind controll...@_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@ @_@

well not really, but it does numb my brain.@_@
interesting...i would love to see the things you have, i currently have cowboy bebop but i just didn't finish it. i guess the story isn't unfolding fast enough. but i'll give it a try again. thanks everyone! hope to hear more...
Hamtaro was cute.But serisly I've seen soo many that I cant remember what ones that I've seen & haven't seen.There are some that I would love to see again but I can't remember the names but I can remember some of the scenes.
I've watched in full length these series:

Ayashi no Ceres
Samurai X
Clamp School Detectives
Magic Knight Rayearth
Carcdcaptor Sakura
Fushigi Yuugi
Vision of Escaflowne
Flame of Recca
Ah! My Goddess
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hunter X Hunter
Dragonball Z
Dragonball GT
Ok, Here goes__ Video Girl Ai, Ranma 1/2, Ah! Megamisama, Gall Force, Explorer Woman Ray, Project A-ko 1,2, and 3, Urusei Yatsura(ova's,tv series, and all movies),Lupin, Century KO Beastketeers, Maison Ikkoku, City Hunter, Ninja Scroll, Ninja Cadets, Jewel Bem Hunter Lime, Azumanga Daioh, Ai Yori Aoshi, Berserk, Love Hina, Happy Lesson, Onegai Sensei, Cowboy Bebop, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Agent Aika, Dual! Parallel Universe, Street Fighter the movie, Patlabor (ova's and movies 1,2,and 3, and the tv series), Your'e Under Arrest!, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and GT, Silent Mobius, Kurogane Communication, Kare Kano, Flame of Recca, Trigun, Wolf's Rain, Tenchi Muyo! (all of the series, ova's and movies), Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Adventure's of the mini-goddesses, Vandread, Battle Skipper, They were 11, Grave of the Fireflies, Sorcerer Hunters, Those Who Hunt Elves, Slayers, (all ova's, tv series, and movie's), A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Spirit of Wonder, Chobits. Plastic Little, Dominion Tank Police, Battle Angel Alita, Mamono Hunter Yoko, The Dirty Pair, Megumi no Daigo, The Puppet Princess, Labrinth of Fire,Detective Boy Conan, Kimagure Orange Road, Macross, Gundam, Pretty Sammy, El Hazard (all the ova's), Metropolis, Akira, Kaze no Yojimbo, Ruroni Kenshin (all ova's and movies and the TV series), Armitage, Ghost in the Shell, Record of Lodoss Wars 1and 2, Vampire Hunter D, Inuyasha. And today, I'm also adding__ The Girl from Fantasia, Blue Seed, Gatchaman, Speed Racer, Sakura Wars, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dragon Half, Ushio and Tora, Appleseed, Black Magic 66.^_^(whew!)
(mouth drops)How the heck can you remember all you have seen?It's impossible for me to remember stuff most of the time.
Whoa. what memory u have! :)
WOW!! Really amazing memory you have there. I can't remember that well.
I still can't remember everything I've seen. That's why if you look back at the list, I'm STILL adding more titles as my memory returns. (heh) ^_^