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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 03:58
Belldandy Gift

Season2 OVA & Delayes to Season 3

Topics Ah! My Goddess Season2 OVA & Delayes to Season 3
According to http://www.goddess-project.net, it looks like season 3 is at a standstill right now as the main contributors are working on other projects. It seems they want to go forward with AMG but, if I can quote them,

"Hidenori has also said that while it's something they (Gohda-san and Hidenori-san) would like to do that there are no current plans for a new season. It's not like they don't want to return to the series, or that they are quashing the series, that there are no plans currently to do a third season"

So I have two questions for you all.

1.) Is it standard practice to skip a season of shows (in regaurds to anime) in Japan and then return to it again? I know it would likely never work here in the states, the show would get forgotten and pushed aside.

2.) In looking at the OVA's for season 2 (eps 23 &24) any ideas on where to get a translation for them... even just the script???
Hmmmmm... in regards to your first question I can't say that I've heard of such a 'practice' being good for the survivability of any given TV program. Still if the Eva movies are successful then that would be an example right? Anyone else know? All we can do is wait and see I guess.

As to the second, I haven't seen any translations or scripts for Eps 23 and 24 yet... But you can get a very good idea of whats being said simply by reading the manga's corresponding chapters 48 ( Episode 23, Manga Vol 8), and 193-195 ( Episode 24, Manga Vols 30 & 31).
Well, IMHO, I'd like to hear an official announcment regarding the 3rd season of Ah My Goddess TV series but so far none has been given . And no offense meant for that particular web site, but I'll be taking that bit of news with a grain of salt until I hear some official news (or someone can point out a source for the news). I have heard so many rumors about various TV shows (Both U.S. and Japanese) over the past 7 years it isn't even funny (Transformers come to mind). If I hear anything from Anime News Network or Anime Nation about a 3rd season, I'll be sure to post about it. As for your other questions:

1. I don't know if this is 'common' practice in Japan but a few ANime shows have suffered this setback. The second Season of Big O wasn't aired for a few years. Well, it was more of a money problem for the Japanese animation studio for the series. Adult Swim helped pitch in to finance a second season of Big O.

2. There is no current translations for both of those Episodes at the moment....(Whispers: But I am keeping my eyes open for someone to post subbed versions of both episodes on YouTube).
I'm finally glad to say I know that I don't have to hold my breath much longer for the translations. It looks like Anime Yuki is on the job. :) Yay! http://forums.animeyuki.org/viewtopic.php?t=1186&start=15
glad to hear animeyuki is working on 23+24
Its strange that TBS only released 24 episodes, Im sure they planned the season of 26 episodes (like first season), because looking at the 3 box sets of season 2 they have the space for 9 dvds, but TBS only released 8 dvds
i really hope they will make a third season for AMG. ^_^ and does anyone know when the 23 - 24 subs might come out? if so please tell me. Thanks!
By god I hope they do make one. But from what I have heard, if they are doing it, it will be in 2008 for Kodansha's Aniversary. And DAMN! Need suns for 23 and 24!
Ep 23 released by aone and animeyuki.
yea! Ah, a happy time to be able to understand. I was pleasantly surprised to find I had already understood most of the story , though there was enough to keep it good. Thank you AonE & yuki!

On a side note (and a small spoiler!): After watching this episode I found myself saddened at Belldandy's realization of Keiitchi's mortality. While I haven't seen anything related to it in the manga yet, it sounds like a strong theme that could be compounded on in the future. It seems from the comments from various gods and goddesses (for instance skuld and urds argument at the end of the movie) that lifespans can be quite lengthy. The question running in my mind is, if Keiichi's wish extends to what point. We know it can be canceled, and it is not the thing keeping Bell on earth. Will Bell accept a natural death for Keiichi? . . . .
Funny you should point that out Phoenix... There are quite a few differences between how Ep 23 was portrayed vs the Mangas version of the story. (Like the presence of Skuld). But I think that they wanted to delve deeper in the the meanings in the story that the Manga didn't quite portray in that chapter. However, there also might have been some influence from Vol 21 (Chp 132) of the manga where Poerth and K1 have a chat where Poerth explains that it is Bell and K1's destiny to be together through out his entire life, but not Bell's. To witch K1 worries if its not sadder that he will leave them behind. Poerth's response is that those whom the Goddesses love, live forever in their hearts... Seeing as up until this point in the anime Bell nor K1 ever really truly expressed their concerns of when they will part, this episode seemed like a good step forward in their relationship.
QuoteOriginally posted by MK1 (view)
Its strange that TBS only released 24 episodes, Im sure they planned the season of 26 episodes (like first season), because looking at the 3 box sets of season 2 they have the space for 9 dvds, but TBS only released 8 dvds

About one blank of DVD box, it is need to put the poster card case. (Poster card is added in DVD cases.)