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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:20
Belldandy Gift

What do you think of capital punishment?

Topics Misc What do you think of capital punishment?
:coffee: I dont really car about capital puniment, but if I had to pick yes or no. I would say yes. Capital puniment is not cool, but those who did a horrible crime should be punished. The one I hate is the firing squad. The government should ban the firing squad. It sounds and looks cool, but it is not. I dont think anything is worse that the firing squad. Now I just notice that this is something random, but it is the first thing that came out of my mind and I'm writing a essay on capital puniment too.:sheep:
huh? ..... uh..... capital punishment? is that the death sentence or something? and what's the "firing squad"? hmm.... well i am completely against killing anyone for the sack of the law... or killing anyone as a matter of fact... i don't think it's a good solution....

but i'm sorry to say death is one of the "forbidden" subjects here... (the other word has slipped out of my mind.... lion please help me remember!!!!! lol)
CP in my opinion is the ultimate and best punishment to those ppl who did things in such a way that it harms ppl. giving them a life sentence instead is too lenient. They may also have the chance to break out . Who knows they may influence the inmates as well. let them burn in hell for all the sins that they commit.
It is like spanking a kid for hitting someone... a little hypocritical I think. Fortunately, the Supreme Court in the US just made a ruling that it is illegal to execute someone for a crime committed when they are a minor. The state should not be in the business of killing people, regardless of what they have done. Besides, in a lot of cases, that is too quick and easy. Put them in a cell for the rest of their life with Barry Manilo music playing 24/7.

Besides, if you kill 'em, they won't learn nothing.

although i think the issue of capital punishment is too heavy for this forum. i think certain countries need capital punishment and some dont. For example in a highly chaotic and lawless place, yes, one can argue that it is the only deterrant to crime.

Pardon me now that i switch to my cold heartless persona...

On the method of execution, the firing squad is the least efficient. It is a waste of resources and bullets, which ultimately costs the law abiding taxpayers money. It would be better to consider the method of hanging, one rope and gravity does the rest.

i am sorry if this remark i just made upsets some people, but there are times where i see criminals being let off easy, it makes my blood boil!
If you asked me a year ago, I would have replied with a hearty "Hell Yes!" But now, an eye for an eye seems so wrong. Especially when you consider how much people look down upon the life of another. And honestly, what does killing do. Half the people out there who commit crimes that would warrant capital punishment probably expect to die, anyway.

Also, as stated before, what can they learn if they are dead. Make them suffer. Have them go through pain worse than what they have created, and endure it without the hope of death. Peace should not be so easily attained.
yea... the state "oeil pour oeil, dent pour dent" (eye for eye, tooth for tooth) shouldn't be aplied... nobody has the right to kill his neighbour.. and even if someone kills someone else, the "capital punishment" as you say, shouldn't be aplied... because you would yourself become a murderer by aplying this "punishment"... and so you thing you should yourself receive the "punishment" for killing that murderer? no because you would say that you did it in the name of the law... but a fact is a fact... you just took away a person's life away...
Capital punishment.... well depends on the capital, for example, I believe most everyone in Washington could use some punishment .

Seriously though, I believe this is too dark a subject for a site about belldandy. Bell was hesitant to even imprison Mara, though she was likley within her rights to do so... doing any sort of harm is against her nature

On the main page we see this:
"This site is fully dedicated to the goddess of love: 1st Class Goddess Belldandy......"
This is a place for belldandy, and not meant for this kind of discussion, there are plenty of other places on the internet to discuss imprisonment, murder, suicide, violence, drugs, hate.....
Please keep it out of here.
yes we should listen to Lion, we have been so blinded by our own personal views we have forgotten the main aim of this website!
Gee, and I thought it was just me. :P
I am always for the free and intelligent discussion of ideas within a forum (could be my rebel college side) and as believe that as long a conversation remains civil that a thread should remain open...

As for Capital Punishment...
I regret that I no longer carry an opinion on the subject with which to express here
btw Dart what is it that u have to write on capital punishment? is it a question of whether it should remain? maybe if u tell us we can put more feedback to help you a bit better.
Well my thesis question is "Is capital punishment the proper punishment for first degree murder?" I can write whatever I want. I have to have an introduction, body, closing, and all these stuff. I'm mainly going to talk about the detterent effect, root of christianity, "An eye for an eye," and arguments AGAINST capital punishment. I'm planing to use this place as one of my source, but I'm still not sure. I still have to make a outline, bibliography, source cards, note cards, and a title page and all of this is due 2 weeks from now. Plus, I also have to get a book, periodical, and a reference book.:blink: I think I maybe behind, but who care got to have fate in myself that I can finsh it.

Is this a good catchy beginning? "Murder is a horrible crime that affects so many parties."

I know this site is dedicated to Belldandy, but at some point we will run out things to talk about and plus I dont talk much so I wanted to find something that I can talk about here. All I posted was two things and mostly commented pictures which I love. ^^ And I want to show my pictures, but it doesn't matter to me. Not to think of it I dont really care about a lot of things, but O well.
okay then Dart, here's some more of my input.

now, some ppl can argue that the death penalty is letting a murderer off quick with a quick death and it does not make the person reflect upon themselves and suffer from internal pain of guilt etc. I find this argument to be missing the point, you can think of it this way,
If the person is able to commit cold murder then that person is not gonna exactly be a nice person am i right. So fact is they are not going to be feeling guilt for what they have done. If the death penalty is given to such a horrible person, then that prevents that person from hurting anybody else. This is a very cold way of thinking maybe but it helps protect the future from harm.
such wise words but uhh me thinking of what i have to state in this thred *thinks*