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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 00:27
Belldandy Gift


Topics Video Games MMOPRG Games
I wonder why no one has mentioned MMORPG games yet. There are a lot out there, with World of Warcraft being the most well-known in North America. However, WoW pales in comparison to Ragnarok Online. It's a very tidy RPG game similar to WoW, but with some obvious differences. First of all, the characters are anime-like (pretty!). Second, the game has a better interface. And finally, it doesn't take much to run the game. I've been playing on a private server my friend hosts for about 2 weeks now, and I'm a level 38 mage already:D It's great, since my friend is an excellent programmer (the game's been modified so that there are more quests and stuff like that) and he hosts the server. What are your opinions on MMORPG games?
Mostly i played that stupid game called LineAge 2 c1 c3 c4 c6 the game have a tittle of NEVER ENDING STORY so i stopped playng it because it never ends i played last time at L2chocolate where i made the background for the website that i got for it SOM +12 ACUMEN
I don't recall playing anything else or maybe i played Those games eats a lot of time even at x30 rates
ah nvm :E
Oh well, WoW got me for a pretty long time. I've been playing on private server [almost bug-free, really great one] but then I somehow quit, and haven't played played since the server maintenance week, 2 months ago, when they deleted all characters [GRRR I had 70 lvl druid there!!!:ang: yeah, THAT was the reason] But really so far I have no further experience with MMORPGs.
i played some of online rpg too, like Ragnarok Online and Flyff
I really like playing Ragna even though my friends say its cheap and has bad graphics,
i think its a great game..

i actually can't wait for RO2.. It's been delayed release for quite some time..
is it out?
Well for me Raganarok Online is one of teh great MMORPG games out there, me and my older brother played pRO for almost 4 years, we got a lvl 99 knight and we've taken the transcendent job, lord knight of course, then we quit leaving it to lvl 86 cuz me and my older brother's friends also quit and he forgot the secret answer in the "Change Password" question and the email add. Kinda stupid reason why we quit haha...

For now we play Lineage 2 SEA (South East Asia) its official here in PH and we got a lvl 69 Paladin and its hard to lvl it in solo cuz it damage sucks but we enjoy playing it cuz its a tanker and tankers do own in raid boss hunting, castle siege and mass pvp.

I also wanted to play in private servers but our connection here sucks so i quit.

Well thats all. :E
Nice. My friend set up a private server, and the level cap after transcending is 225. I'm still only around level 40 >_< as a mage
The only one I would really be interested in playing is Guild Wars 2. I refuse to pay a monthly fee just to play one game, and I have neither the time nor the interest in spending massive amounts of time grinding through levels just to get to the point where the game gets fun (i.e. the level cap). Of course, this would not be for a good while yet since I don't have a gaming computer, and I won't be able to afford one any time soon. I have plenty of other things to keep myself occupied in the meantime.