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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:23
Belldandy Gift

your thoughts on how the series is going to end

Topics Ah! My Goddess your thoughts on how the series is going to end
I personally think the creators of the show made it a little to easy to figure out how it's going to end. I mean anyone who has watched the show or read the manga can almost instantly tell how it's going to end. where Belldandy is going to have to go back to heaven permanently *insert dramatic music with flashbacks for 20 minutes here* and then Belldandy gives up her goddess powers to stay with Keiichi forever. It's ether going to be that or they can somehow work out keiichi really being a goddess and he just never know it and he gose up to heaven to stay with Belldandy forever that way. Or they can somehow have keiichi die or something and they somehow get that to work with him being in heaven and all. but anyway I don't want to take all the ideals so how do you guys think it's going to end?

EDIT: fixed some grammer and spelling errors
Hmmm I don't think so. I think Keichi is more than what he appears to be.... but I could be wrong.
I find it hard to blame the show creators for that, especially since the manga has already been out for some time and very little that they do will surprise anyone anyway. The way I see things is that just about every type of story that can be told has been told several times over. AMG is a romantic comedy where a shy male lead forms a relationship with a beautiful girl that everyone else considers out of his league by being together and enduring hardships. Though it is still an interesting story it is hardly a new one in the grand scheme of things. Obviously there are several things that set AMG apart from similar stories, but those are the nuts and bolts of it. I rarely think about endings since there are really only a few ways a story like this can end, most of which you have already mentioned, and what sets stories apart is the journey, not the destination.

I have a feeling that it will be a bittersweet ending rather than an "everybody wins" scenario, so either one of them or both of them must sacrifice something for the other in order for the relationship to continue. Belldandy giving up her powers to remain with Keiichi seems the most likely to me. Though I think that if Keiichi eventually dies he might be able to live out eternity with Belldandy in heaven ( I have only seen the series and know very little about the history and mythology behind the story so I can't say for sure, and am open to correction). Whatever happens I am enjoying the journey so far :).
QuoteOriginally posted by Link877 (view)
I personally think the creators of the show made it a little to easy to figure out how it's going to end. I mean anyone who has watched the show or read the manga can almost instantly tell how it's going to end. where Belldandy is going to have to go back to heaven permanently *insert dramatic music with flashbacks for 20 minutes here* and then Belldandy gives up her goddess powers to stay with Keiichi forever. It's ether going to be that or they can somehow work out keiichi really being a goddess and he just never know it and he gose up to heaven to stay with Belldandy forever that way. Or they can somehow have keiichi die or something and they somehow get that to work with him being in heaven and all. but anyway I don't want to take all the ideals so how do you guys think it's going to end?

EDIT: fixed some grammer and spelling errors

well i don't wish for it to end...
No, I really do not believe that the end is going to be so so predictable , they have a lot material with the norse mitology to do something really good,

For me this series are special so I think its going to have a special ending, not like some others that have a very bad or very predictable endings.... (who want to name bad ending anime s)X|
ENDING YOU sAID!? it'll gonna be an ARMAGEDON!!!! bwahahahaha
I post this in some other discusson, but since I really love this phrase and it fit here too...:

"The end is the beginning, but what begin must end"

Its an endless dream
but i don't it'll gonna end since the AMG have gained so many followers i think fans will make and create their own line of stories if AMG ends
I tend to agree with Keiichiroy, the manga has already stretched out so that it seems it could go forever. It really is far too popular a show

If the manga does one day lose popularity, though, and did end, I imagine the last chapter/episode would simply be a normal plot. Then it would just stop. I don't think there is a good way to really close it up.
what if it realy ends? will you make your own version of story for AMG? maybe i'll go and try for it...even though it'll be a lot of competitions...
but its better a good ending than a bad continuation,

some friend tell me his idea for an ending that involves the parents of bell, I think it can be very intresting
hmmm for me? i think......it'll gonna be a lot of drama....then ends with a lot of songs! a musical ending with all characters singing together in unity!!! WAHOOOO!!!!
its a good idea, I will like that, but it sound a little like the movie

Im sure they are going to do something very original, I hope
huhuhuhuhu.....as i was said before...i don't like for it to end...hwaaaaa!
After taking a closer look at my earlier post I can see that I was a bit too narrow minded and cynical. I tried too hard to break the story down, and I don't know nearly as much as many of you. If they do give the story a definitive end I'm sure it will be something unexpected, and I trust the author to do a good job.