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Mon, 17 Mar 2025 02:43
Belldandy Gift


If you could add another character out of Norse mythology to the cast of AMG, who would it be? Why? And how would they be similar/different to their mythological origins?

My pick(s) would be Freya and Freyr. Freya is the goddess of fertility and sexual love, as well as of battle! She leads the Valkyries into battle. Freyr is her twin brother. He is the god of fertility of the land, as well as of *defensive* fighting.

I see them as identical twins, both ambiguously beautiful. For some reason, I see Hild as their half-sister... more drama that way, maybe? :heh: I don't know that they would ever come to earth, unless there was a major crisis.
Does it have to be a goddess? If not than I think Loki, a giant, trickster, shapeshifter, and troublemaker (also an Aesier by adoption and Odin's blood brother) would fit in and cause some mischief and chaos. I wonder if things could get anymore chaotic in the Morisato residense...
hmm... it's pretty hard to have a more chaotic house with Urd and Skuld around... ^^
oh but i would really like Frigg to be Belldandy's and Skuld's mother... ^^

she's the first of all goddesses, one of the goddesses of love. she is one of the most important protector of women. she is Odin's wife and queen of Asgard (^^), and also one of the most important goddesses of the Asgard realm. she is Fjodgyn (‘Jord’ - earth). she helps ans comforted women at work.
she can see the future, she knows the destiny of all men and gods, but she shares this knoledge with no one else.
Frigg weaves the threads which decide of the world's future ,the destiny of man kind, and the destiny normes Urd, Vervande and Skuld.
Grigg protects marriage and maternity. faithful lovers are united in her beautiful remain Fensalir. Frigg puts all in order in the household. she is kind and preocupyed of children's wellbeing. she gave birth to a beautiful son to Odin: Balder. the tree stars on Odin's belt are called the wheel of the weaving of Frigg
hmm yea i would kno how it feels to live in a house with belldandy and them because i used to go over to mi cusens house and it used to be crazi we would have all 4 of mi cusens over there doing crazi things like creating stuff trying to cook (back then angel did not knom how to cook)but mi perosn will be an angel whom is here to stai with us forever and protect us she would be like a twin sister and we would have lots of adventures like a good sister would do with her sister she would proballi fit bell or skulds best but other then that she wold be as beautiful as the ski and the heavens and would have magic to have fun and help the world she would be name Junsuina which means pure in jap
Wow, Morphee, that sounds great! She would *definitely* fit as Bell's mother! And no, madcat, it doesn't have to be a goddess at all; anything out of Norse mythology. Keep it up guys, these ideas are great. :bg:
hehe... i pretty surprised myself... ^^' well it sounds good... lol! it would be cute to see Skuld and her mother together... hmm... it would be funny too to see Frigg and Hilde face to face... :)

that was a sweet thought you had there angel! ^^
i dont know much about Norse mythology but how about Odin (i only know that from Final Fantasy 8 :sheep: ), Its just that we dont much of the gods in Ah! My Goddess. And also he can bring his eight legged horse Sleipner with him as well!
hehe thanks maman and kewl k1
^^ sweet view angel! hehe... here's all you have to need about Odin papa! ;)

Odin is the chief of the Norsemythology. God of sky, he lived in Asgard, at the top of the tree of the world.

Two corbels, Hugin (the thought) and Munin (memory) were perched on the shoulders of Odin, he sent them as of the dawn so that they bring back all to him all that they saw and all that they heard from the wide world. It is also the reason for which Odin was named Hrafnagud, the god with the corbels.

Odin has many names in connection with its occupations or his characteristics, here the twelve principal ones but there are much more:

Alfadr or Alfadir (very Great Father)
Biflindi (That which makes tremble the armies)
Bileyg (That which sees badly)
Biorn (Bear)
Blindi (Blind man)
Dorrud (That which fights with a lance)
Fiolnir (Gift and abundance)
Herran (Chief of the armies)
Hnikar (Energy of the engagements)
Hnikud (Energy of the engagements)
Ialg (Horse)
Omi (Powerful Voice)
Oski (Hope)
Svidar (Point of lance)
Svidrir (Appeasing)
Vidrir (Climate)

he is the greatest of the Vikings gods, the very powerful father of men and the Master of Asgard, the residence of the gods. he is the God of eternity and the timeless. he is the god of war and death, but also the god of wisdom, magic (seid), poems and runes.

Odin is the wisest and the most respected of all gods. he is a large speaker and a large courtier of women. he expresses his opinions in worms.

he generated Ask and Embla, the first two human beings. Odin lives the Val-Halle, the stay of the warriors who died as hero. they are called "einherjer" (combatants). at the time of the battles, Odin carries an armour and a helmet made of gold. the "berserker" (violent warriors and without fear) are the faithful combatants of Odin who dedicated their lives to serve him. they attack the enemies with an incredible fury and do not move back in front of any danger. Odin rides Sleipner, his 8 legged hors.

Odin sacrificed one of his eyes to Mimir to have access to the source of knowledge. Odin can be transformed into any being in order to mislead his enemy. Draupner is the magic ring of Odin from which eight other identical rings leave each ninth night. with his lance, Gungne, he kills his enemies by throwing it above their heads. Gjere and Freke are the two wolves of Odin.

Odin spiritually sacrificed himself while being transpierced mortally with his own lance on which there remained hung nine days and nine nights at Yggdrasill. the runes were revealed to him while he remained hung onto the tree. he is resurected from the kingdom of dead by using these runes. it is estimated that Odin is at the origin of the runes which he offered to men.

Odin and Freyia are regarded as the first representatives of the 'Seid' - the Scandinavian shamanism.
wow! that is alot! hmmm... i have this great fables and lore book...
wow! you sure know your stuff Morphee!
yup that's mi maman dad she's the boss
Wow! That's a lot. Where do you get your info?
well i know a good site that has the descriptions etc of the norse gods... and being a french site i translated it specialy for you. :bg: lol! it's really good so i spend some time on it to read all the descritions, so i knew the great lines of Odin's descrition before posting it... ^^

oh and melichan talked about Freyia and Freyr ^^. good choices! ;)

he is the most important of the gods of fertility. his virile power gives life to any vegetation. he decides richness and success of men. he is the god of the enlightened sky and of the sun, and the Master of the fairies and the imps, he controls the rain and the good weather. his magic sword is called Mimming; it can fight without Freyr having to hold it in his hands. in his splendid boat, Skibladner, Freyr can cross sea and ground. when he does not have the utility of it, the boat can yield and line up in a small purse. his companions are the gilded boar, Gullinbuste, and Blodughuva the horse. one venerates Freyr to ensure oneself of a good harvest, peace, wellbeing and of a pleasant life for the cattle. one sacrifices pigs and horses in his honor. Freyr married Gerd, a very beautiful giant woman. she then changed form goddess of winter into the goddess of spring. Freyr lives in Alvheim.

this legend comes from the Edda Prose and of Edda Poetic where he is entitled Skirnismal. (i'm not sure for the translation of the "Edda Prose" and the "Edda Poetic")

one day Freyr went to sit down in Hlithskjalf, the high tower of Odin from where one can see everything in the Last nine Worlds. as Freyr looked in direction of Jotunheim, he saw a beautiful and large residence where a young woman was held. when the young woman raised her arms to open the doors, her arms shone so brightly that they illuminated the sky and the sea. after this vision Freyr became sad and silent. he did not sleep any more and did not speak any more with anybody, he did not take any food or drink and all were afraid of him to speak.

Niord, his father, called Skirnir, the servant of Freyr and asked him to go speak to Freyr and discover the cause of his concern. Skirnir agreed to do him but he expected to be rejected.

Skirnir went to Freyr and asked him why he sat alone and with a heavy heart all day in the hall. Freyr answered that on top he had seen the halls of Gymir and in these halls he had seen a girl whose arms were so brilliant that they illuminated the sea and the sky. he said to him that the girl had become very dear to his heart. but Freyr also knew that Ases wanted that he and this giantess remained foreigners. Freyr then required of Skirnir to go in Jotunheim and to court this woman for him. Skirnir asked for Freyr to lend his horse, his mysterious ring with the wavering flame and also his sword which fought the Trolls. Freyr agreed to lend all these things to him and Skirnir was put on a journey.

Skirnir went to Jotunheim to the court of Gymir. there were wild dogs attached to the door of the fence of arbour of Gerda. Skirnir then went to see a shepherd who had sat on a monticule and asked him how he could enter to Gerda. the shepherd answered him that it was not possible to go to the apartments of the nice girl of Gymir. Skirnir made his horse jump over the wall of flames and then he arrived in the hall of Gymir. Gerda accomodated him and required of her maidservant to make the foreigner sit under the arbour and to offer hydromel even if she could fear some reproach of her brother.
Gerdaa required of Skirnir if he were an Elf, an ESA or a Vane, with what he answered that he was none of these beings, still he came by the ring of fire to contemplate the hall of Gymir. Skirnir offered to Gerda eleven gold apples if she agree to say that she liked Freyr and that she was very dear to his heart. Gerda answered that she would not take apples to give pleasure, no matter whom and that she would not remain either with Freyr as long as they would be alive. Skirnir offered the gold ring to her, Draupnir, if she agreed to like Freyr. Gerdaa answered that she did not want Draupnir, that she did not miss gold in the hall of Gymir.

Skirnir threatened to cut her head if he could not bring back Freyr's love to. Gerda answered him that neither gold nor violence could convince her to do something against her will. she continued by saying to him that if Gymir, her father, were there, Skirnir would be good for a combat to death. Skirnir showed her his sword and said to her that this blade was one of the finest of the world.

Skirnir then threatened to bewitch Gerda. she said to him that it would make her very ugly that no more man would address her a smile nor would any man declare his love to her. she would become such as she would give "a vision to freeze blood" with all the future sighings. she would be imprisoned and would have only sour goat milk to drink. Skirnir who had runes scratched on his magic wand, "the rune of a thurs' and still three", saying he would scratch them of as he had scratched them on if there were not no need for them.

Gerda then offered hydromel to Skirnir in a cup of crystal and said to him that she agreed to be the wife and that she would meet Freur in nine nights.

Skirnir returned to the house and brought back to Freyr the good news. In nine nights Gerda would grant her hand to Freyr.
Freyr answered, which one night it was already long and that two nights would become unbearable, having to wait and he did not know how to await longer.
Then the wedding took place in assigned time. nine nights later, symbol of nine Scandinavianwinter months, Gerda became Fryr's wife.

now to Freyia:
Freyia, the mystic with the blue eyes and golden hair, goddess of love and beauty.
Twin sister of Freyr, she is the goddess of the ground and fertility. it is said that Freyia travels in a carriage drawn by cats.

In love stories, it is towards Freyia that it is necessary to go. she is lenient and good. she has a beautiful magic necklace which is called Brisingamen and carries a skin of sparrowhawk. when her husband, Odr, is longed by her, Freyia cries gold tears, which are transformed into amber when they fall in the sea. her pretty daughter is called Hnoss. Freyia is the most popular among all goddesses, and also the longest venerated one in the Scandinavian countries. as a Vane goddess, Freyia showed the `Seid' (magic) with the Giants and she learned to Odin the astral art. she is regarded as the first among the Valkyrie and receives half of those fallen during engagements. she takes them along in her Sessrumne manor to Folkvang. Odin takes the other half.

waow! i love this thead! :bounce: i just love the norse mythology!!! ^^ thanks for making this thread melichan!!!
Wow, Morphee, that's some great info! Could you post a link to the site you've been studying from? I love mythology of all kinds, and I like Norse because it's so different from Roman, Greek, or Egyptian. It's so interesting when you consider that this is how people thought the world actually worked for centuries!

In reference to earlier remarks about Odin, since he is the central, most important Norse god, do you think that would make him "Kami-sama", in AMG? Or perhaps would that be just one of his many incarnations? I could see them breaking his 12 names into 12 separate characters, 11 of them being brothers to Kami-sama.

As for the nine worlds, I think those might end up as nine different computer systems plugged into the "server" Yggdrsil. Perhaps they were created as people died, or stopped believing in mythology... thus, the dead are contained in one system, mythological creatures are contained in another, and so on.