Well, if you think about news these days. Most of the news in my area (Metropolitan Los Angeles) usually have bad news. So, it is not preferable to look up to most of those people. As for fictional character, usually their background is told in somewhat of a detail - so you can relate to them a lot more than random people.
Well, as for my link to Keichii, I have had many unfortunate events that occurred relatively recently. Well one event that I can somewhat laugh about that occurred less than a year ago was ... I was driving to class on the first day of classes (college). About halfway there, one of my tire blew. So, I had to change the tires with temporary replacement and head to a local auto repair shop. By the time it was done, my first class was over. The very next day, I found out that I was dropped from that class. Talk about having the worse possible time to have the tires blown. LoL