Well, this is a spoiler thread, so I'm gonna let loose!
I thought the most interesting parallel in the story was the death of Julia and Spike's first death. The first time Spike dies, he dies because he is in love with Julia, but she really isn't in love with him anymore. When Julie dies, their roles have been reversed. She loves him, but he, although he is still carrying a torch for Julia, is now in love with Faye. I'm rewatching the series, because I finally forced my best friend to sit down and watch it (he couldn't get past the "cowboy" part of the title). Well, Saturday he saw the first 2 DVDs, and now he has to wait desperately to see the rest... BwaHa Ha Ha Ha (cough cough).
"I think it's time we blow this thing. Get everybody and their stuff together. OK 3, 2, 1, Let's Jam!"