One line from my fanfic that I thnk that just is very good to say about Belldandy:
Nyala (main character), who is of a level a lot higher than Bell and the other, comments on Bell:
"You know, if you see it all the way, I'm very, very proud of Belldandy. She's just what I want things to be, she's calm, innocent, nice, and good hearted to say the least. I wish I could be like her and make happiness by begin nice and good, not by having to order and amry to stop an enemy. She's an example we all should follow. It's bad that I can't do that.."
And she completes:
"Belldandy IS Belldandy, no one can ever by like her, not even by cloning or the more advanced of the technologies or the most powerful magic."