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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:39
Belldandy Gift

Question about HILD

Topics Ah! My Goddess Question about HILD
I thought this over and this came to me all of the sudden. I know Urd is Hild's daughter and the question i have is, How in the world did HILD have urd WHEN urd is half goddess and half demon?

Was hild at one point a goddess? and became a demon and didnt know she was with child meaning she was going to have urd or what. I hope this isnt a stupid question. But can someone give me a good truthful answer? :) I'd very much appreciate it! Thanks :)!!!!
Aaa... Not exactly. But the point is that Urds father was God. And Hild broke up with him. It is mentioned several times in manga and also throughtout the series. Some 17th episode S2 I guess :)
oh okay now i understand! ^_^ Thanks for the answer Ortherion. :)
and Hild is the CEO of the infernal realm in short...Lord Of Hell.
I would point out that Bell, Skuld, and Urd's mutual father was not necessarily God (Kami-sama). Given the nature of heaven and the fact that there are goddesses that aren't related to Bell, Urd, and Skuld (namely Peorth) it can be assumed that there is an entire pantheon of higher beings.
Ohh okays. I think i understand what you mean now bdiah :O Thanks for helping me understand :D
I think the best way to describe it is that Urd is something like a step-sister to Belldandy and Skuld. Before Bell and Skuld's father met their mother he was together with Hild. At least that would be the most logical point of it. You could always say that Bell's father was an adulterous, lecherous pervert, but I don't think that's the case. If I remember correctly, Hild stated that Bell was exactly like "that man" (in reference to Bell's father), so I'm assuming that Bell's dad had a very similar personality as that of Bell's.... So does that mean that Bell's dad was an innocent, naive person? o_O??
isnt the father of all the goddess really (aka god) ?
If you take the religious approach, then yes, God is the father of all Goddesses. But don't forget that this series is a polytheistic world they live in (remember Celestin?) so there are lots of Gods as well as other deities within Heaven. So saying that Bell's father is THE God, is most likely to be incorrect in this situation.
QuoteOriginally posted by Xiaoyung (view)
I think the best way to describe it is that Urd is something like a step-sister to Belldandy and Skuld. Before Bell and Skuld's father met their mother he was together with Hild. At least that would be the most logical point of it. You could always say that Bell's father was an adulterous, lecherous pervert, but I don't think that's the case. If I remember correctly, Hild stated that Bell was exactly like "that man" (in reference to Bell's father), so I'm assuming that Bell's dad had a very similar personality as that of Bell's.... So does that mean that Bell's dad was an innocent, naive person? o_O??

Isn't Urd generally referred to as a half sister? I'm not totally sure about this, but wouldn't her parents have had to have been married for her to be Bell's step sister? We don't even know for sure if the gods in AMG have marriage, and even if they did I'm sceptical of the idea that Hild and Urd/Belldandy/Skuld's father were ever married. (And yes, I'm aware of the fact that the second option would make Urd a bastard (in the literal sense of the word, not the figurative one) if it were the case.

Also, I don't tend to think of Bell's dad as being some sort of huge player/lecher either. I actually started a thread once (well, more then once since I asked it on several sites)about the question of what attracted him to Hild (how would a god with a Belldandy-ish personality get involved with someone like Hild?). I'd be curious to know your opinion on that one is.
I guess my best response to the attraction to Hild is, "Love behaves in strange ways." I'm not sure if the three goddess's father was every married to Hild. They never really explain that part. My best thought is that Hild and Urd's father were seeing each other, (maybe married, we don't know) and they had Urd. But along the line, Urd's father found out that Hild was to become the Daimakaichou that caused him to leave and take Urd with him? So in short, when Urd was born, Hild was not yet the Daimakaichou, and when she became the leader of Hell, Urd's father took Urd to Heaven to become a goddess.

I just thought of another possibility. Playing off of the bit that Urd's father is naive and innocent like Bell, wouldn't it be possible for him to have been tricked by Hild into a relationship. Hild does seem to be much more open about her sexuality (as I'm assuming most demons are) so it wouldn't matter for her to have born a child despite not being married. So Urd's father ended up with a child, and in order to prevent her from becoming a demon, he took her up to Heaven to train her as a goddess.
QuoteOriginally posted by Xiaoyung (view)
I guess my best response to the attraction to Hild is, "Love behaves in strange ways." I'm not sure if the three goddess's father was every married to Hild. They never really explain that part. My best thought is that Hild and Urd's father were seeing each other, (maybe married, we don't know) and they had Urd. But along the line, Urd's father found out that Hild was to become the Daimakaichou that caused him to leave and take Urd with him? So in short, when Urd was born, Hild was not yet the Daimakaichou, and when she became the leader of Hell, Urd's father took Urd to Heaven to become a goddess.

I just thought of another possibility. Playing off of the bit that Urd's father is naive and innocent like Bell, wouldn't it be possible for him to have been tricked by Hild into a relationship. Hild does seem to be much more open about her sexuality (as I'm assuming most demons are) so it wouldn't matter for her to have born a child despite not being married. So Urd's father ended up with a child, and in order to prevent her from becoming a demon, he took her up to Heaven to train her as a goddess.
i honestly dont think Urd's father could of been tricked. I'm pretty sure he just fell in love with hild and found out about Hild's Fate of becoming a Daimakaichou. ;/ But i dunno. i dont really pay attention to Hild cuz i don't really like her much. But i think shes cool though. But i just dont have a strong interest in her. Sorry to all you hild fans! just speaking with my honest opinions and thoughts.
I'd theorised that maybe Hild wasn't the ruthless demon leader she is now when the events that lead up to Urd's birth occured, but frankly... Hild doesn't seem like a newcomer to her position. She seems like someone who's powerful, confident, and secure in her position.

And she also seems like someone who enjoys her job. I can't say for sure that her position isn't something hereditary rather then something she went seeking herself, but even if she didn't claw her way up to the top... doesn't she seem like she enjoys what she does?

I remember someone who told me I probably shouldn't overlook the possibility that Hild just seduced Urd's father.... not sure if that really fits, but then, what does on this issue?

By the way, I don't know how much weight you give the TV anime, but it actually depicts Urd's custody being transfered, though the scene is pretty vague (no dialogue). Still, it seems to me like Hild decided to give custody of Urd to her father, I don't think Urd's dad ever just took her...

By the way, I suspect that Urd's parentage was actually something of an issue. Not so much because of whether or not her parents were married, but because of the fact that she was half divine by blood. Just imagine how other demons might view that...

For someone in Hild's position, having a child like Urd could've caused serious problems.
well, it's what you call Love, or lust... or something in between maybe,

but on the moral fact of a loving mother,
Hild definately loves Urd, like if she never had feelings of a mother, she could've had her anytime throgh spells or force,
but she let her decide where to go and who to be with,
I'm touched by that, I never really.-- ~sniff (hahahaha) kidding
yeah, a loving mother... but as a loving spouce I'm not tooo sure,
That's certainly true about Hild. She does love her daughter very much, and would actually do anything to have her return with her to become a demon. The seduction bit goes along with my theory about Urd's father having been tricked/seduced by Hild, seeing as he's supposed to be naive like Bell.