I'd theorised that maybe Hild wasn't the ruthless demon leader she is now when the events that lead up to Urd's birth occured, but frankly... Hild doesn't seem like a newcomer to her position. She seems like someone who's powerful, confident, and secure in her position.
And she also seems like someone who enjoys her job. I can't say for sure that her position isn't something hereditary rather then something she went seeking herself, but even if she didn't claw her way up to the top... doesn't she seem like she enjoys what she does?
I remember someone who told me I probably shouldn't overlook the possibility that Hild just seduced Urd's father.... not sure if that really fits, but then, what does on this issue?
By the way, I don't know how much weight you give the TV anime, but it actually depicts Urd's custody being transfered, though the scene is pretty vague (no dialogue). Still, it seems to me like Hild decided to give custody of Urd to her father, I don't think Urd's dad ever just took her...
By the way, I suspect that Urd's parentage was actually something of an issue. Not so much because of whether or not her parents were married, but because of the fact that she was half divine by blood. Just imagine how other demons might view that...
For someone in Hild's position, having a child like Urd could've caused serious problems.