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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 12:34
Belldandy Gift


Topics Ah! My Goddess Celestin..?
"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"... thats nice, I'll try to hold onto that little nugget of wisdom
QuoteOriginally posted by EvilPaladin (view)
"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"... thats nice, I'll try to hold onto that little nugget of wisdom

Its cliche, but true
Whoa...wait a second....to everyone..... CELESTIN is not evil just a little rude but not evil....he didn't intend to destroy K-1 and bell's relationship on purpose, but it was just because it was needed for his dream....a new world.....remember when that great big ball of energy was blocked by bell.......sure K-1 has defeated Celestin in his body but he helped them repel it and he let K-1 win, because he liked the idea of K-1 and bell together......but this remains a fact....he really messed up K-1 and Bell....but, I think he's intentions were good but his ways....well it's kind of rude...........but still and in conclusion....CELESTIN is definitely not evil.period.:D
QuoteOriginally posted by Celestine0806 (view)
Whoa...wait a second....to everyone..... CELESTIN is not evil just a little rude but not evil....he didn't intend to destroy K-1 and bell's relationship on purpose, but it was just because it was needed for his dream....a new world.....remember when that great big ball of energy was blocked by bell.......sure K-1 has defeated Celestin in his body but he helped them repel it and he let K-1 win, because he liked the idea of K-1 and bell together......but this remains a fact....he really messed up K-1 and Bell....but, I think he's intentions were good but his ways....well it's kind of rude...........but still and in conclusion....CELESTIN is definitely not evil.period.:D

hehehe, i feel ya.. i dont mean to be a jerk or anything but everything would not be so chaotic if he just stayed at home... yeah, it is a dream, and i first hand know how it feels, but he shouldnt go that far though, i believe that if he thought like what Bell thought, about how everything is already fair... he might've understood.. and part of town would not have been anihilated by a huge mask of death thing ^^.

anyway.. It what makes AMG the thrill right? ^^
omfg why it cutted my talk now i need to think again what to write ^^
Hmmm teacher of Bell
He was sick minded but he understanded Bell and K1 after all what happened and that's good ^^
BTWKikuko Inoue have birthday at 09-25 :love:
i would like to see season 3 if there is ^^ not again a movie hmm but to think of it i saw the movie first then tv1 tv 2 ova then i bought dvds ^_^
He is a God not a demon (that should mean something ) . I think that his intentions were neither the best idea nor something that bad. Anyway the way he choose to reach that goal was (only :susp: ) a bit rude.

Also take in count that at the end he was free but he noticed the special relation between Bell&K1 and that other people in this world can have something as wonderful as they have so he decided he wold believe in love and in the good actions of human kind. At the end he wasnt that bad.

I would like to see him again in an important role, like the guardian of K1&Bell love or fighting along with Rind
QuoteOriginally posted by MK1 (view)
He is a God not a demon (that should mean something ) . I think that his intentions were neither the best idea nor something that bad. Anyway the way he choose to reach that goal was (only :susp: ) a bit rude.

Also take in count that at the end he was free but he noticed the special relation between Bell&K1 and that other people in this world can have something as wonderful as they have so he decided he wold believe in love and in the good actions of human kind. At the end he wasnt that bad.

I would like to see him again in an important role, like the guardian of K1&Bell love or fighting along with Rind

well.. yeah, he did had the realization... but after he almost detroyed everything... =p
hehe, im not really into what he did, but i do raise my glass for him,
for being one the high god's of heaven
Yeah. He's kinda like Solo-Wing Pixy of Ace Combat Zero: both men were brought to nearly destroy the known world, but in the end, turned out all right.

Although Pixy got his fighter-flyin' ass handed to him by the main character of ACZ before turning his life around.
QuoteOriginally posted by Celestine0806 (view)
Whoa...wait a second....to everyone..... CELESTIN is not evil just a little rude but not evil....he didn't intend to destroy K-1 and bell's relationship on purpose, but it was just because it was needed for his dream....a new world.....remember when that great big ball of energy was blocked by bell.......sure K-1 has defeated Celestin in his body but he helped them repel it and he let K-1 win, because he liked the idea of K-1 and bell together......but this remains a fact....he really messed up K-1 and Bell....but, I think he's intentions were good but his ways....well it's kind of rude...........but still and in conclusion....CELESTIN is definitely not evil.period.:D

He wanted to break up bell and K1, evil
He's basicallly the devil in the way he thinks he can do a better job than GOD. I mean he means well and I sympathizebut honestly he stood against the heavens. As much as I understand and feel for the guy he needed to be put down.
Celestine was a character with a mixed heart. However, regardless, he was necessary to the plot of the movie.
QuoteOriginally posted by Avinash_Tyagi (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by Celestine0806 (view)
Whoa...wait a second....to everyone..... CELESTIN is not evil just a little rude but not evil....he didn't intend to destroy K-1 and bell's relationship on purpose, but it was just because it was needed for his dream....a new world.....remember when that great big ball of energy was blocked by bell.......sure K-1 has defeated Celestin in his body but he helped them repel it and he let K-1 win, because he liked the idea of K-1 and bell together......but this remains a fact....he really messed up K-1 and Bell....but, I think he's intentions were good but his ways....well it's kind of rude...........but still and in conclusion....CELESTIN is definitely not evil.period.:D

He wanted to break up bell and K1, evil
Hei! He is NOT EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS JUST RUDE HIS WAYS ARE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER BUT RUDE but HE is NOT EVIL!!!!! he was'nt trying to break them up because HE also love Belldandy intimately it's just Needed for his Dream!
wait.. um..
rude is an evil trait..
and the fact the he used Bell makes me kinda mad...
I compare Celestin to Gabriel from "Constantine" hesheit wanted to help us get into heaven by bringing us hell; Celestin was the same, he wanted to help us, by destroying everything to start it all over again and giving us things we wanted (ie, like heaven) even if he had to use his former pupil to do so. in the end, he realised that people like K1 & Belldandy, were the ones to change the world for the better, so he decided to support them

In summary, Celestin is not infact evil, just went about his ideal the completely wrong way

(i think this makes sense, it might just be me)
Yeah. I bring up my comparison to Solo-wing Pixy. Noble intention, ignoble methods.