yeah...lets put the quote in a test...
like what happened to me yesterday....
yesterday, we(including wolfwood) are enjoying our JS prom...dancing, eating and enjoying... ^_^ >>>good
while eating, wolfwood became so innocent that he is playing the lazy suzan(y'know? the one at the center of the table that can be rotated), spinning it until the glasses with coke were toppled down on me and my other classmate...our pants were partially wet...and our table became a warzone :E... >>>bad
after eating, i got an award and had a dance witha girl...>>>good(because i won)and bad(that is not the girl that i wanna dance with :p)
after the dance, a girl texted me and said that my crush will gonna draw the project for me...>>>good ^_^
i was forced to pay 100 bucks(at least $2) becuase of the picture souvenoirs of me and my classmate...>>>bad :p
and now for the main event...
at monday, our classes will resume and our FREAKIN exams will continue!!! i will gonna review my notes from cover-to cover once again!!! >>>now THAT is bad!!!