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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 18:38
Belldandy Gift

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You had me worried, i get back from vaccation and look what i read first! Thank goodness your back again ^-^ You don't know how much i value your opinion cause i always found you put alot of thought, contrsruction and effort in what you are saying ^-^ There should be more of that here. Thank you for returning! ^-^
Well, the two posts before you could reply rule was what made me want to leave. I truly like and respect everyone here (well, maybe not everyone, but almost everyone ... Just kidding). I was looking at the board about 8 hours after it went into effect and it was like conversation had stopped dead. Sure, there were a few new posts here and there... but the discussion was definitely muted. When someone asked me a question about one of my posts, and I had to wait 2 days to reply, I figured I'd leave early to avoid the rush. I'm glad they did away with the rule. It would have caused a slow death to this great place... and I like it too much to stick around and watch that happen.

I'm glad I can stay...
