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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:31
Belldandy Gift

Hello, Goodbye

Topics Intro & Birthdays Hello, Goodbye
I've always been a fan of irony, so the introduction thread I never bothered to make will be my way to say goodbye.

It has been a lot of fun, but I fear that is going to change. I've one of those people that has to say something as soon as I think it, and I can't do that here anymore. The "Two people have to reply after your last post" rule is, in my humble opinion, a big mistake. It may not kill the forums, but I doubt they'll ever walk without a limp again. Sure, you may have had only a few people participating in some of the smaller threads, but that doesn't mean they are bad. Should a forum be a popularity contest? If so, I hope everyone likes the "how many times have or well.................." thread in the heaven section (you know, the one with 49 pages of posts).

I'd like to think that most of my posts were well thought out and caused people to think, even if I was posting in some of the smaller, out of the way threads. Those will be mostly dead, I think... if people have to wait a week for two people to post to them, they'll lose interest. I'm not patient enough to sit on my ideas for days. It makes me feel like I've overstayed my welcome, which, in the grand scheme of things, maybe I have. I notice the number of new posts have dropped off dramatically in the past few days. Usually, when I get home from work, I'll check the forums and it will take me about an hour to read all the new posts.

It took me 5 minutes today.

It was fun while it lasted, but it isn't fun anymore. I'm not that patient.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not meaning to be overly critical. I appreciate all the hard work and kindness of the admins in making this place for us. To them, I say "Domo Arigato Gozai Masu" *bows to nearly a 90 degree angle for 15 seconds*. It is your site, and you can do whatever you want with it. If people don't like how the forums work, they shouldn't participate.

To all the posters out there, whether you have agreed or disagreed with me (or, most likely, some of both), thanks for sharing your thoughts, feelings, and opinions with me. I'll still be around, and probably still read the forums once in a while, but my posts will be a lot more rare. If you really need to reach me, send me a private message. If the "Two reply" rule is lifted, let me know too... I may start posting on a regular basis again if that happens. I'll be on at least once a week, when I find the latest torrent for AMG TV, and posting that unless someone has already beaten me to it.

So, take care, everyone. All you youngins be good, and respect your elders on here. All you old fogeys like me, try to go easy on the kids. See you all around...


"The more you hurt at the parting... ...the more it proves the depth of your love."
-Belldandy, Ah! My Goddess, Chapter 59 "Sorrow, Fear Not."

"And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make."
-The Beatles
no.....don't tell me.....that you *snff* ;_; that...you'll *snff* *snff* ;_; ;_;....

don't worry..... maybe gab or the other webmasters will resolve this problem. I know that it is kinda dull when you are waiting someone to reply...because i also feel that too so i know what you're feeling today. and remember...even through you are not going in here reguarly, please logon even once in a while. coz we will miss yah. and I, Asgard(or lloyd or lanz, call me whatever u want) will gonna miss you. Your replies, thoughts, comments, and the debate with keiichi-k1.....i will never forget those. they are interesting and they can entertain you(i'm not joking).

So, again, goodbye and visit us when you like. :bg: we are always welcome to your replies.

:stands up and gives a salute:
I'm very sorry to see you go. Goodbye.

We hope you come back someday. I know I will always be here with everyone else. Sure this rule is something we all don't agree with but I want us all to stick together through thick and thin.
Now this really sucks

First off let me say that I know I have only been here for 13 days.
But still it saddens me that you are leaving...like you said even if I didnt always agree with you (and on this matter I do happen to) it was still cool conversing with you.
I was kind of hoping to get a review from you regarding the music im working on. So please let me know if you are interested in it regardless of the situation at hand.

Like asgard said, please dont be a stranger


-One day you’ll look and see I’ve gone,
For tomorrow may rain so I’ll follow the sun-
Larry, i may not have agreed with everything u said in teh forums, but thats the point of a discussion. and this thing about u leaving is definitely another thing i dont agree on!

You can come back now! the 2 posts rule has been lifted!

(PS. everybody i have already sent an email to KeiichiK1 to tell him he can come back!)
Oi, pls come back!
yes... Even I'm new here... I still dont want you to leave us.... because that then means I would lose one of my friends here...

The 2 posts rule is cancelled now...so please...come back and stay with us..^^
yes thats right the 2 post rule is now cancelled, you can come back now! onegai!
Cool... well, nevermind then (I'm back) :) I wasn't meaning to be critical of the admins... I know they have a tough job. I wouldn't mind if the time between posts to a particular thread was increased an hour or two... but being that strict would have killed this place...

Welcome back.:bg:
Yay! now i can look forward to more confusion with usernames between Larry and me and more "debates" on the forum! LOL just teasing you! no harm intended! but you probably know i would come up with posts like this already! ^^
so....are you still dissapointed? :bg: Maybe the reason that the rule is cancelled is because of what you have done! Your right as a member has been approved! :bg:
lol, wow... I'm gone for a week, and everything goes crazy!! @_@ Anywho, I'm glad you're not leaving forever, Larry. ^_^ You have way too much knowledge of AMG to leave us!
yes that true melichan, a lot of things have happened when u were away.
Good to have you back sir!