I just finished watching this series...
My response...
kinda Suckky...
Although it have some romance and comedy in it, it doesn't have lots of magic... especially the main guy Haruo...
I would rate this a 4 or 5... out of 10 (as highest)
(below have some spoilers)
It's so hard to figure out the plot.
I was hoping for the main guy Haruo to use magic to fight or something but it turns out he's the demon lord.
Funny thing is that the end of the anime it says they are living the same year, same life time every single time, meaning they don't age or move forward in time.
This ending doesn't give the anime an ending at all...
I wonder if there is going to be a second season... because they should make one where they figure out how to defeat the Demon Lord and escape from the time line, so they can move forward...
That's if the second season doesn't makes the character's memories erased....