Most places that take credit cards will also take a check or money order... problem is that you'll run into delays because you'll have to wait for them to get your check or money order in the mail, and then (if you used a check) you'll have to wait for it to clear your bank. Look for their 1-800 number and give them a call to find out if they have ways you can order without a credit card. Note that if you are not in the US or canada, this will probably not be a free call for you.
Also, never send cash in the mail.
I get almost all of my anime from Suncoast. I live in a fairly large city, and I'm told that I am consistantly in the top 3 when it comes to customers. The manager of the store thinks I'm such a cool guy, he puts back a box of all the new anime and manga when it comes in so that I get first pick, even if I'm not the first person in the store. That's why I had the limitted edition tin for Full Metal Alchemist waiting for me, even though the company shipped a lot less than people ordered the first week. It is good to have connections....