guess its my turn...
- i am a guy
- i live in the philippines where it is full of surprises(scandals, economic problems, drugs, pirated cds), and cellular phone sites(thats why this wee country is called the texting country).
- i'm struggling and enduring the pain in school
- is also struggling to woo a girl
- is always playing the song Broken Sonet by a local band(my theme song)
- i am always at the pc after school, especially saturdays and sundays
I like...
- anime
- playing the guitar
- ps2 games
- japanese travelouges
- japanese gals(if you know someone, please give this application form to them.. :E )
- fast, speedy pc's
- fast dsl connetion
- tuner cars
- comics/manga
i dont...
- smoke
- drink
- gal hunt
- eat too much