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Mon, 17 Mar 2025 06:00
Belldandy Gift

Belldandy through the ages

Topics Ah! My Goddess Belldandy through the ages
Regardless, I try not to go with first impressions....

i gotta give you credit for upholding that view KeiichiK1, actually many of us make decisions based on first impressions a lot even at times when we dont notice it. This can have good and bad implications depending on the way you look at it.
Yeah... well... I have a friend who will not watch an anime series unless the first episode hooks him. The problem with that is that many series take a while to get going... like Cowboy Bebop or even Ah! My Goddess (the TV series... the OVA moved REALLY fast). Heck... I watched Drag-on Ball Z and Yu Yu Hauk-a-loogie and Sailor Loon until the point I just couldn't stand them anymore... I try to give everything and everyone the benefit of the doubt. Some things are just bad... but somethings are good, even if they do get off to a slow start. I never let a clip seen at random influence me, and for a movie, I'd rather see the whole thing and then form my opinion. With anything Quinten Tarintino does, you can't go in expecting high art, because it isn't going to happen. His movies are meant to be fun and mindless, and for the most part, they are.

Could Kill Bill have been better? Absolutely. He missed a lot of opportunities with it, but it was still fun as far as I am concerned.

Actually, Kill Bill had very little anime influence in it (except for the part that was actually animated); mostly, it was an homage to obscure Hong Kong Kung-Fu movies and Sergio Leone spaghetti westerns. (Seriously... my boyfriend can name every movie that each scene was ripped off from, and same with some of the music!) I thought it was good in that respect, but you're right, it's definitely a mindless action movie. ^_^;

As far as the Matrix goes, I can't deny the huge anime influence, but the *source* influence can be traced back to William Gibson's novel "Neuromancer". He's the father of the entire cyberpunk genre, and had invented things like the "matrix" (a virtual-reality version of the internet), microsofts (data chips that plug directly into a person's brain), and web-diving back when a computer covered an entire desk and the general public had never *heard* of the internet. Hackers-for-hire were known as "cowboys", and people could be more-or-less resurrected through complex AI. If you like reading, READ IT! and the books that follow. Anyway, enough of that rand. ^_^;

I do agree with Larry, it's a good idea to give things a try no matter what the reviews are. If it seems interesting to you, go ahead and see what it's like no matter what the critics say! Think outside the box and some such. ^_~
good point KeiichiK1!

problem is i pretty much given up on watching any more live movies, i dunno why but they just dont seem to do anything for me anymore, i'd much rather watch an anime movie.
Hmm what concerns me about matrix is they 2 years ago they did what is called 'Animatrix' They used beautiful anime art and advancec computer art in the making of this movie which is kinda like a OAV series it can easily be pslit into a series which is what they are doing, howver alot of it is exptremly inapproprie so im kinda hoping they edit this one abit, even though it is extremly interesting, its not something I think they should have on Teletoon (a channel that appeals to all audiances). Has anyone seen it yet?
I have it on DVD. The thing you have to remember is that the Animatrix is not directed at children, anymore than the Matrix was. I absolutely HATE when they edit stuff for TV and end up butchering the original vision of the people who made something. Not everything is "Hello Kitty," and not everything should be. I realize that a large portion of the people on here are not legal adults, but there is plenty of anime for kids and I don't want my anime edited down to that level. Cartoon Network hacked Tenchi Muyo to death, and has done the same thing to many other series. I wouldn't say it is innappropriate... just not your cup of (darjeeling) tea. I throughly enjoyed it, and would hate to see it ruined by being edited for TV.

And Keiichi-K1... I have friends who write all anime off as cartoons and just for kids. I have other friends who write everything that isn't anime off... I think it is sad though. There are lots of well done movies of both the animated and live-action variety (there's a lot of crap of both types too). You might miss something really cool.

I understand Keiichi and I fully agree however the station that is airing doubles as a kids station so it concerns me some kids will turn it on and see someone blow up ^-^' Hopefully it will be on at a late hour so kids do not see it. By the way do you know if Inuyasha or Escaflowne were cut when they aired on TV? On YTV (Canadian channel) they seem fine to me and un cut due to content however if there is anything missing I would like to read the manga ^-^

Oh and for CONTRIBUTION TO THIS FORUM another idea I would like 6o give is seeing Bell and Keichi as the two main characters from the Nut Cracker ^-^ Nutcracker and Merie it would look so cute and amusing to see Keiichi as a Nutcracker and Bell in her night gown helping him ^-^ Its nice for christmas
that idea would make a great seasonal filler episode Kitori! kudos for coming up with it!

in reply to previous threads, i wouldnt shut off live action films completely, i still keep up to date with any new releases, its not because anime has nudged these films aside for me, i have always been rather selective with my films. There'll still be films i'd like to see though, especially if they are continuations of franchises i dont mind watching, like the Star wars films.
Well, I'm not sure if they edited as much in Canada as they did in America, but I can tell you what was changed here. Inuyasha was edited, but not by a whole lot. All they did was remove any nudity; cleavage lines were painted out and bikinis were painted on, things like that. Some of the more risque dialogue was changed as well. Escaflowne, on the other hand, was hacked to bits so badly that they couldn't even figure out how to show the entire series. A lot of companies that bought the rights to anime at that time didn't stop to think if it was appropriate for kids, which Escaflowne is really not... it's more of a 13 and up anime. There's a lot of violence; from what I understand, they even spliced the first two episodes into one, because they had to take out a long fight scene in which Van hacks the head off a dragon... it's pretty bloody, as you can imagine.

Also, I hear One Piece (now airing on Fox Kids in the US) has been bastardized even worse. Fox Kids is good at that. -_-;
thats annoying! if companies got the rights to an anime and plan to distribute it then they should distribute it to the original target audience, not hack it to bits and repackage it etc. whats the point! either you do it or you dont, take it or leave it, dont go all crazy with it in your own way!
your not going to get an argument out of my on this topic!
Changing the Anime around is wrong, it changes into something that it is not, and demeans the industry abroad... Think were all the people get there warped ideas o what an "anime" is
Wow I didn't rwalise how much Escaflowne was cut, however I don't think in Canada it was cut actually I did see the episode where Van killed the dragon and the whole thing with Selena ect. However I do believe alot of fight scenes were taken out. As for Inuyasha cutting out Nude and changing diologue isn't so bad I guess its actually a treat to see anime at 95% of its originalty ^_^ However i wonder how Kagome never flashes anyone with a skirt as short as hers o.o me and my sister have a theory that she has no butt, hahaha!! What company does the anime in America? In Canada OCean Studio's takes care of it ^-^ and they do a pretty good job ^-^ I remember when Funimation did them and they always hacked everything out. and yes I've noticed One Peice on TV, not impressive however i ever really liked it anyways.
yes i did hear that Escaflowne was highly edited by the companies. Its no wonder that when i got to see it on the Fox channel via satellite in the UK i didnt think it was as good as what the fans were saying. the companies have edited it to the point where it almost doesnt make sense, and that is just plain wrong! not that i had to the time to follow the series though! ^^'
^-^ I wish I could have seen the original, I was happy I saw the movie un cut, it was so well done! If you were dissapointed with the series please see the movie, it is a beautiful peice and final tribute to Escaflowne ^-^