I've been working on some sketches lately of how Belldandy may have appeared as a goddess in different time periods/religions; so far I've got ancient Greek/Roman, and ancient Egyptian. I'm also planning to draw her as a Hindu goddess (so many bright colors!).
Anyhow, when I was reading the comments about my sketches, I saw that a lot of people had requests on how else I should draw her... and requests are great inspiration! So, what I want to know is: from what time period, religion, or culture's garb do you see Bell in, and why? Is it a flapper from the roaring 20s? A goddess out of feudal Japan? (and pleeeeease, no hentai... I don't do dirty drawings :sarc: )
Whatever sketches you inspire, I will be sure to post in the fanart section! (pending administrator approval, of course)