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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 02:31
Belldandy Gift

Anime Conventions

Topics Manga & Anime Anime Conventions
So how many of you here have been to an anime con? What was it and where was it held? Did you dress up?

I travel the Florida con circuit; I took a break the past few years, due to complete lack of cash flow, but now I'm getting back into it. I have seven costumes I've done, though now I'm selling a few. It's a ton of fun, and a lot like the support group thread but for Anime in general. :bg:
i have never been to an anime convention. but i would really really love to go to one! thing is we dont get many, if at all, over here in the UK. oh which reminds me i've got to do some research on the next anime con to hit the UK! i would really love to go to one in Japan though! maybe when i can afford to i will go on vacation there!
Wow, that would be so cool to vacation in Japan... I'd love to visit the countryside, and see some of the old Shinto shrines. ^_^ I think there is an anime con in the UK this year... if you go to www.cosplaylab.com and click on the events tab, they list all the major cons of the year and links to info about them.
even there is a convention runnin' around here, i can't still go co it is too faaaaar... drats.
thanks for the info Melichan! i'll see if i can find one for the UK!
I'd love to go to a con, but alas I am but a poor college student
besides I'm a little worried about all those people that dress up I here some of the costumes are scary, but I'm sure no one here is the problem.
I don't mean any offence but if you've seen NewtypeUSA u know what I mean
my biggest nightmare in an animecon would be seeing a large oversized blob of mass person trying to squeeze into a Belldandy outfit! noooo! what do u think your doing!
I know what you mean, K1 and Cole, there's nothing quite as scary as a 300lb Sailor Moon who's made the miniskirt to an accurate length. ^_^;;;

And Cole, what are you talking about, too poor? Anizona is coming up in Phoenix, and it's free!! You should totally go, it's in just a few weeks. Just click the link I posted earlier, there's info on it there. My bf will be there, and I'm hoping I'll get his costume done in time... he wants to go as Schwartzwald, the insane truth-seeking journalist covered in bandages from the Big O. (he's in the journalism program at ASU, so it fits him. ^_^ )

Actually, he went to MCC last year... that'd be kinda funny if you knew him. You don't happen to RP at the Extreme Bean, do you? lol
you guys are so lucky in USA! you get a lot of anime conventions! i dont get any at all over here!
^^ lol! sure! but i'm glad because i went to a miyazaki/moebius exposition in paris... ^^ it was so nice!!!!
Well, it depends on what state you're in... I'm lucky, cuz Florida is second only to California as far as number of conventions per year. But I have friends in Ohio and the Carolinas who get one per year if they're lucky.
no I get all my RP done at a place called GamersInn

so a free con huh that is so cool thanx I will deffinetly look into it thanx!

[edit] oh is says there is a "regestration fee" what is this?
Yeah, sorry about that, that was just brought to my attention yesterday... apparently when I first checked on it, they hadn't set a price yet. I think it's $30 for the weekend, which isn't bad for a con. They only get really expensive when you have to stay someplace overnight... or if you decide to blow a bunch of money in the dealers' room. :sweat:

Oh, my bf plays at Gamer's Inn, too. He was just there last weekend for the, erm... crap, I can't remember the name. Living Eberron. He also plays Living Greyhawk now and then; he plays the pacifist bard, if that rings any bells. His friend BJ occasionaly GMs Living Greyhawk. lol, you've probably been in the same place a lot and never met. :P
wow that is freaky, next RPGA day I'll give a call out for "pacifist Bard" and see who answers.:P

I am esay to spot though I'm the kid infront of the laptop :comp:

wow that is acword, most of my posts are made from Gamers
wow too funny I've been busy with living Arcanis though I've been meaning to give Ebboran a fair chance...:sheep:
lol, that's cool. My boyfriend's a big conspiracy nut, and Eberron is a setting ripe with potential for massive conspiracies. ^_^; So, it's an obvious favorite of his. The kid with the laptop, huh? I'll let him know. ^_^ I don't think he'll be at the *next* game night, though... he'll be on a plane coming to visit me! :bg: Which reminds me, I'll be MIA starting Saturday for about a week while we go on vacation.

To try and keep to the thread topic, have you ever played any anime-based RPGs? I've played a few using the Tri-Stat system (sometimes they run those at anime cons), and I really enjoyed that. I've never tried D20, it seems a little daunting to learn. ^_^;