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Mon, 17 Mar 2025 06:14
Belldandy Gift

Is Belldandy all that perfect?

Topics Ah! My Goddess Is Belldandy all that perfect?
Is Belldandy all that perfect? yes, she's a goddess but she can make mistakes, can't she? but i know gods and goddesses are ought to be perfect...arrrggghhh! i'm so confused:sheep:
You make a very good point. She does have her faults; jealousy, timidity, even uncertainty at times. Her naivity about Earth makes her even less perfect... but to take a human form at all guarantees some form of imperfection. Humans are inherently flawed creatures by their nature; in order for Belldandy to be truly perfect, she would have to abandon corporeal form. Until then, she could be more accurately called "ideal" rather than perfect.
I believe that she took a human form in order to be recognizable to whoever human has is assigned to. But then again, if you really wanna go deep into this. Mankind was imaged off of the form of God, and naturally Gods are Goddess would do the same off the "Creation" that made them. Things like Angels and Gods are completely different from one another. Angels are servents/messagers of God, as for Gods and Goddess, they are themselves God-like figures. An easier way to think about it is like you have Gods and Goddess that are below a Cosmos (or the one God of them all) Ok am I making any since or just being boring again? =/
Hmm...the both of you are makeing since.Ponders.
na, she´s not perfect, but if she were, it would be boring to watch or be with her wouldn´t it?
Perfection is a matter of your point of view. Belldandy seems to be perfect for keichii though, despite (and because of) her flaws. Actually the only real flaw I see in Belldandy is that she's not living with me:P .....well she'd have to be much more real looking, there's another flaw, and she'd have to know nothing of Keichii, and she'd have to speak much more english.... i guess she's pretty hopless really:P
LOL!!! good one lion... hehe... well... i don't think Bell is all that perfect actually... i mean, she's really knid and all but... she never parties... she isn't as much exuberant than Urd... who doesn't hesitate of going to see what's about and has fun... hmm... i wouldn't really want to go to a party with Bell, even if she sings and dances marvelously... :s
well, i think like beauty, one's level of perfection is in the eye of the beholder , and i for one thinks Belldandy is perfect!

so what if she doesnt go to parties, i dont either, which is another reason why she's my type of girl :love:
Welll, first you'd have to decide what perfect meant for you. Um, a bit late to make that point, Ummmmm. It all comes down to perception if from your viewpoint Belldandy is perfect then there's really no arguing about it. Well, actually I suppose there is but :P
Best counter to that rebuttal I have right now. :sweat: :bounce: :bg:
Hmmm, i think I need more sleep to be coherent.
Chonrad the Eccentric Elf
well, what i mean is perfect- as in now flaws, all that good, everythinh about her is perfect!

but then gods and goddesses were said to be perfect..the godesses in OMG is merely beautiful ladies just having supernatural powers. They're not good and all that, they made mistakes..many times! so the concept of goddesses in OMG is different from the real definition of God and Goddess in Websters dictionary :sheep:
It is intrigueing that everyone mentioned Belldndy's emotional, however what about her physical flaws? Naturally we would all consider Belldandy to be a beautiful woman, however at a critcs point of view she may be seen otherwise. For exmple in steriotypical american standards she would be considered a 'Goddess' Brown hair and blue eyes is a nice chage to superficial bimbo blonds, very slender body, she would seem perfect to the viewers eyes, although in seriotypical European standards she would not be viewed as perfect. European standards praise the hour glass body where as the amrican standards praise the penicl figure. Therefore in steriotypcal europe she would lack in accented curves. So this brings me to another theory, would this mean that if Bell were to be in Europe she would be more robust?
Im not quite sure about that... I mean, the new Bell is already awkward to me. Whatever her physical appearence maybe, It all depends on the one who looks at her. To me, Bell is Bell no matter how she looks. Her heart is still the same.
well i kno everithing isn't perfect so a godess a creation that is near perfect but isn't she is a godess is percet in her miscreations soo belldandy is perfect with all her mis creations
True true, I was only looking at the opinion of a harsh media ^-^ However I have not seen the new Bell, does anyone have a link so I can see?
what is all this talk about whether Belldandy's figure is perfect or not (btw i think it is perfect)

Quote: "It's not the size of the body, it's the size of the heart..." :- Belldandy OVA

(like im one to talk since im a man that considers physical appearances to be important, at least im honest with that)
im a greedy guy, i'd like both beauty and a good heart in a girl