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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 00:32
Belldandy Gift

Inu yasha

Topics Manga & Anime Inu yasha
She does slowly gain back her human self. Since the series is dubbed it's hard to understand whats going on with Kikyou because u suspect they messed that partr up in the series. Rumiko (the creator) tends to write some pretty dark stuff sometimes. My guess would be Kikyou was reserected as a demon with only bits of her soul intact,. If you get a chance to watch the full sries you should, its really good ^-^ and has a nice fun element. i want to find the manga and start reading the original version, I love Rumiko's style she's such an amazing story teller.
No kidding! I'm thinking about buying Rumiko-san's movie "Mermaid Tears", or something like it.
I believe it is a three part, Mermaids Forest, Mermaids Scar and...I can't remeber the other one, either tears or was it mermaids smile? something like that ^-^ I didn't know there was a movie, i know there is a 'Mermaids Forest' out on tv.
I don't have a clue. I saw it while being in the manga store in Antwerp, choosing out my birthday gift. ^_^ Got a Hild dolly!! I'm going to take a pic of it and put it on here.

And then I'm going to collect the whole set! Yay! ^_^
Ohh I want to see! I cant wait to see it ^-^ what store where you in? Maybe they have one here ^_^
It was "A shop less ordinary". Honestly, that Hild dolly is so beautiful. Now it's sitting on top of one of my bookcases, next to my other most prized possessions: Morphee-chan's drawing and the Trowa dolly I got from Jimmy-kun a while ago.

But that has nothing to do with Inuyasha-tachi.
Man this has a lot of pages! Well, I will just say my thoughts on Inuyahsa: I liked the relationship between the characters but I didn't like the lvoe triangle. It was one of my favs for a long time...I like the other characters a lot and the story was very interesting. But....watch the last episode and that is all I will say. I was kind of left hanging.

I never really liked Kikyo. poor thing was too dark and bitter for me. I liked Kagome a lot but...the romance between her and Inuyasha never quite took off. It seemed they had so many feelings for one another...but no one ever really made much of a move except a few declarations or actions of lvoe.

But, I did lvoe Inuyasha! He was absolutely hilarious! I wish the creator had given us a bit more there!