There aren't any AMG titles in the BESM/Tri-stat setting... their pre-made modules so far are Hellsing, Trigun, Tenchi, Demon City Shinjuku, Dominion Tank Police, Fushigi Yugi, the Slayers, Utena, and Sailor Moon. I might have missed a few, but I think that's it. However, it's such a user-friendly system (even to people like me who are overwhelmed by the fact that there are even dice MADE with 20 sides), that you can easily create your own setting, or model character classes after anime you've seen. For example, I was able to create an entire setting for an Aliens RPG using the BESM 2nd Ed. handbook. Just be sure that you don't confuse BESM/Tri-stat with BESM d20. The d20 verson of it, according to my boyfriend anyway, is slightly more complicated than plain old d20 for D&D. He said it's good for running an anime-themed game if your players refuse to use something other than d20, but the Tri-stat version is much more streamlined, easy to use, and more accurate for creating anime-style action.
Since we're on the subject, if you guys would like, I'm sure my boyfriend and I could join forces and create an AMG table-top RPG based around the tri-stat system. Would anyone be interested in that? If so, I'll be spending the next week with him and we can work on that. ^_^