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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:12
Belldandy Gift

Your Books

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Assuming you have a bookshelf or a stack of books in your room, tell us eight of the books on your shelf, and two you wish you had (you don't have to stick with those numbers, only a suggestion)
And i don't want anyone saying the wish they had such-and-such rare book so they could sell it:P

Multiple volumes in a series count as one book, and you can list any books you own, even if not actually "in" your room.... but in your room is better.
true. I have old science books.
well it ain't proper here because my room here is where i stay at uni most of my books are at my mom's house but here i have text books which i shall not count but apart from that Wolf blade by william king and the first 5 volumes of Berserk translated into english and thats it i think.
lol that's funny
no it's not funny it's silly:P
Books...well, if you really mean fiction, I have a -lot- of those, mostly romantic novels, although there are also some books from when I was younger. The author who's name pops out mostly is Judith Krantz. I wish I had 'Olivia and Jay', although I can't remember the author, simply because it's such an amazing story. Read it four times already.
Non-fictional books...whoo...I think about 6 that are all about wicca and witchcraft in general, 4 about plants and natural ways of healing, 3 about horoscopes and the constellations, 1 about the Goddess and a bunch of smaller books about faeries and dragons and unicorns and such. Here, I'd like to have some books by Viviane Crowley and Scott Cunningham, because those books are just must-haves for a witch like myself.

Then, regular comic books...I think I have about 30 comics about Wolverine and the X-men, more then 200 in total of various Belgian comics (like Morphee may know, Bob et Bobette, Kiekeboe, Jommeke,...etc.) and then some rare pieces from a duo of amazing artists. 'Jaguar', 'The Avengers'...all by Dargaud. Really stunning.
About manga...I think I have about 4 books on how to draw manga and different drawing styles, then about 10 A!MG's, one of CCS and another one of Alice 19th. And that's basically it....
i think i understand your mothers worry about you being a goth:P
some of the books in here and the ones that i wish to have....

:goes to his room and browses in his books:

hmmmm....in here i have some books about martial arts, dictionaries, an outdated computer guide, some books about fables, legends, old magazines and comics from my brother, and then, hmmmmm....

:goes to the dining room and starts to browse the bookshelf:

...some outdated encyclopedias(published in the 1970's), science encycloedias, cookbooks, a book about medicinal herbs, a bible dictionary, some holy bibles, my brother and my sister's yearbook, some journals and...

:looks at his back:

...my sister's books about medicine(she is a doctor) and some sort, some romantic pocketbooks by my sister.....

:goes to his brother's room:

....hhhmmm...some robotech and the sentinels novels, some philippine comics(namely: pugad baboy, pupung, beerkada------sorry if you don't understand these) and some paperbacks from philippine manga artists.

Well, the book that i wish to have are the rare OAV paperbacks of AMG, manga books, HTDM(how to draw manga)books, and some other good novels.:bg:
Nah, she just doesn't like the look of goths. Besides, I'm not quite a goth, just a witch. I wear bright clothing and neat, shiny jewelry and stuff, so there isn't a worry for me to become a goth...not yet, anywho.
I do have oh my goddess books......thats about everything...lets ee here.......Wrong Number, Final Exam, Mara Strikes Back, Mystery Child, Childhood's End nad Chobits......those are the books.
books books books... i have that!
"AMG" books (all of them naturellement)
"Gindam Wing" (for the bishies...)
"Les Chroniques des Princes d'Ambre" by R.Zelazny (great science fiction author)
various books of "Arsène Lupin" by M.Leblanc (fantastic detective books)
various books by A.Christie (Hercule Poirot is so funny and intelligent, and i love detective books ^^)
"Les Fleurs du Mal" by Baudelaire (my French teacher intoxicated me with those poems... but it's still nice, without the view of studying them of course)
"Un Roi sans Divertissement" by J.Giono (don't see the film that was made from it, it's not good...)
"Perceval, ou le Roman du Graal" by C. de Troyes (i like this book, it was writen in 1200 and something so the language is a bit old but i think it's nice)
and others but it would be a little long to list all of them...

i would really like to have the "X" books by Clamp, and "Ruroni Kenshin" books too!
Whew...the only ones I know from that list is A. Christie, Gundam Wing and AMG. ^-^ I'll need to check out those other ones.
Bks???? let's see: Amg mangas, Naruto mangas, love hina mangas, rurouni kenshin mangas, samurai deeper kyo mangas, chobits, tsubasa:reservoir chronicles, XXXholic( no it's not porn), LOTR, some starwars: the new jedi order bks,Biology by campbell, some bks about physics and chemistry, how to draw manga series........

can't remember the rest.
i have all of the harry potter books, the unfortunate events,royal diaries, AMG mangas, inu yasha mangas, the big book of fairy tales, a gigantic book with christmas storys, the Georgia something series, and the sisterhood of the traveling pants, chobits mangas, i think that's it.

the books i want...let's see, web, and this japanese kinda book that i can't seem to remember the title of...
don't say the word harry potter please i looked at the first one looked at my friend looked back at the book picked it up read the first page and then i put the book down i said i'll be back left the store and walked home it made me bored:coffee: :coffee: :coffee: keeps me awake!