Sorry I haven't gotten back to this thread... been a bit busy.
Good Omens is absolutely one of the best books I have ever read. The humor in it is classic, the timing is perfect, and the footnotes are like the icing on the cake. I've read just about everything Neil Gaiman has writen... all of his books I have first printings of ("Smoke and Mirrors," "Stardust," "Neverwhere," "American Gods," "Corallie," etc). By far though, Good Omens is my favorite.
Cheeri-o mate. You Brits should know the danger of making broad generalizations. Maybe you had a little something extra during tea time, or did you get bumped on the noggin by a hooligan at the latest football game (what us Yanks call soccer)?
Just teasing. A lot of people do like the big cars and so forth, but not all of us. I happen to drive a very sensible car, and not some big gas-guzzling land barge that needs its own postal code. I've seen quite a few of the new Chryslers, and they look so much like the ERA Turbo that I thought the first one I saw was an ERA Turbo. They're even smaller than the Honda Today.
Still, I live in a college town, so one never knows. The other day, I saw someone driving a Vespa. It was even yellow... (FLCL)