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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:14
Belldandy Gift

Nekomi Tech Motor Club! thread

Topics Misc Nekomi Tech Motor Club! thread
This thread is for all you mechanics, car and motorcycle enthusiast out there!
i admit i a guy that likes to look at cars, especially Japanese ones because of the rarity of certain models in the country i live in. Since watching A!MG and YUA i also now notice motorcycles more too!
This thread is for us to express our interest in these motor marvels! but let's not make it too technical (minimal talk about ride heights, rpms etc please)
i'm more of a casual fan myself.

My fav cars are the Honda NSX and the Honda Today (thanks to YUA!) what's yours?
(if this turns into another single post thread im gonna cry! ;_; )
na with IronFish alone you should be able to get a decent converstation..
alas I can not contribute much being a tech head and not a gear head
you dont need to be a motorhead to take part, im not very motor mechanically minded myself but i still like to look at the shape of cars etc. on the mech side i just pick up whatever comes to me.
Well I have always licked How they used a sidecar for transportation, in a way it kind of shows thier relashonship in a hole metaphor kind of way
hmmm well for as long as I can remember Ive always favored japanese cars...I have owned 2 cars and both were Civics, which although everyone and their mother has one in california, I must admit its a damn fine car with a nice style.

I do really like the NSX's myself, but then again most honda/acuras are great in my opinion

on a side note...I just recently reached 200 feathers which means I can look at your wallpaper section Keiichi-k1, and I must say, those wallpapers are awesome! Thanks for sharing them and I understand now the 200 limit
Arigatou Diazo! im glad u like the wallpapers! especially since i have to do a lot of convincing to get them up on BAF. I placed the 200 limit to ensure that only true fans will be able to appreciate them. Unfortunately i dont think i'll be submitting anymore into this site because i think the requirements are too tight plus it's very dissapointing and annoying if they get rejected for some silly reason.

On the thread topic, wow Diazo ur younger than me and already u owned two cars! i'm still driving my first which is a ford focus hatchback. So what's ur top fav car?
well if I could have any car and unlimited funds.., I would get an acura TL and race it out. I know its not the most expensive car compared to most high-end vehicles but I always loved the look of them.

same question to you if funds were unlimited...would it be an NSX?

btw how hard is it to get a picture uploaded? I was thinking about making some AMG wallpapers for this site, but not if its gonna take forever. Also how long does it take Bellydandy to answer her emails?
My next car is definitely going to be a hybrid. By the time I'm in the market for another, the price will have gone down a lot with any luck. I wouldn't mind getting a Honda Civic Hybrid. If I had unlimited funds, I'd have it tricked out so the doors open like a Delorian (the car from Back to the Future).

I had an old honda civic... 1984 model year. best car I ever drove: fed it sand, mud, gravel, snow, bits of tree... it was fearless. then some guy decided to feed it to his pickup trucks front end (he even tried to tell the cop there was no stop sign ... 4 way stop intersection) Yep the Civic is a fine "economy" car. I don't know about those gull wing doors though KeiichiK1, nobody's made a good set since the 1957 Mercedes Benz 300SL.
Doors open:http://bigbenpage.free.fr/300SL.JPG
And a fine profile: http://www.seriouswheels.com/pics-mno/Mercedes-Benz-300-SL-Coupe-Side-1920x1440.jpg

as for my next car, it's gonna be a boxer engined bmw motorcycle, without the sidecar, and slightly newer then Keiichi's.
Ah, but that won't exactly be a car, now will it? That's cool though... if I was a gearhead and knew anything about repairing motorcycles, I'd try to track down a BMW as close to Keiichi's as I could. Despite being old and probably pieced together from a couple of different models, it is one heck of a sweet ride (as proven in "The Secret of Speed arc).

even if they didnt work all that well, you have to admit that they are cool doors
a fully-sup-uped Skyline R34 NuR will be neat. :bg:

I only done that in NFSU2 game in PS2. :bg:
if i had unlimited funds i would most definitely buy a Honda NSX and maybe customise it so that its more comfortable and driver friendly as opposed to speed speed speed. Also i think i'll track down a Honda Today and modify it to look like the one in You're Under Arrest! ^^'

PS. it's perfectly fine if members like Lionfish wish to talk about motorcycles, if you look back to my first post they are included in the topic.
ah yes the skyline, the ones Ive seen are incredible. I have a friend who is *cough*illegally*cough* importing one over here.
If he gets pulled over then he could have it inpounded
I wouldn't mind having a really old Bentley, like the car Crowley drove in the book "Good Omens," by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet.

By the way, have any of you "You're Under Arrest" fans seen the new compact Chryslers? They look just like the Mini ERA Turbo that the Fox (Oshou) drove.
