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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:16
Belldandy Gift

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does anyone know how to go about setting one of these up?
(feel free to post other things, links, opinions after the first question gets answered ^-^)
I have some ideas, and some scripts and strips and I want to try me hand at fleshing them out a little
(e-mail me for the material and form your own opinions...)
an idea is a good start ^_^ i'm thinking of setting one up as well. this is how i'm basically going to go about it:
1) think of an idea
2) write at least 4-5 of the story or idea.
3) initial sketches of the characters
4) reworkings of the characters (to get it perfect)
5) do a 5 page manga on the first page and reworking each page of the manga as i go (doesn't have to be 5 pages but i'm sticking to 5 or 6 :P)
6) find a nice server to host your manga or set up one of your own.
7) plan the layout of your webmanga
8) update :P

there you have it. looking at that now its actually a lot of work ^_^; after step 7 its basically finish off the other pages and write more storyline. anfortuanately i'm currently stuck at step 2 ^_^; i was planning on doing a manga based on one of the roleplay games i do. its nothing like DnD, its called Orpheus if anyones interested in that kind of thing :P its basically going to be based on how i play the game and the manga will revolve around that.
cool, I think I have most of that done, but I would like to get it reviewed first before getting it hosted, and I might redo the second page depending on feed back I get from (hopefully) helpful members of this site ^-^
(P.S: I can review your own work if you like)
coool, that if i ever get steps 2 and 3 done :P
Ohh I want to see!! I love the site onlinecomics.net it has so many amazing free mangas done by ametuer artists. One of my favorites is called 'Red String' (look it up on the site under search and it will pop up) Its about a sweet girl named Miharu and the complications in her life regarding pre arranged marriage. It is so humourous and it deals with a level of adult topics so i suggest this for 14ish/15ish and up!
Oh yeah, I've been following 'Red String' too! Don't you think those classmates are afwul? Such meanies.
You're reading it too Rei-chan! Yay! Another fun reader :D I absalutly love it! and I agree. I feel awful for her :( I wonder what Chiaki is going to tell her o.o I hope she doesn't destroy their friendship! Ok ok, i probably shouldn't spill the beans too much ^-^' Incase other readers are interested in it.
good online comics.....
Errant story [www.errantstory.com]
JBB Comics [www.jbbcomics.com]
RPG world (paraody of many famous RPG's)