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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 10:34
Belldandy Gift

Dark side

Do you believe in there beig a hell or a 'dark side' or do you think that it is our willthat turns us to what we call 'the dark side' They say we are given a choice and that we pretty much made up the dark side as an excuse for bad descision making. What do you think?
ummmm...Dark side huh??? Im not too sure about those things..but lots of people have dark sides.....like when they get mad...
Well I don't want to go into it religious wise, that would just be too confussing ^-^ Like here is a good way to put it, do you believe in 'dark angels' who try to make us make bad choices or not resist temptations, and ngels who try to protect us from dark angels. Or do you believe it is our will to chose the 'dark side' and perhaps there are angels that try to protect us from ourselves.
ummmmm..there is other people who tells us to do bad things......

and I believe that there's dark angels......

well humans have the power to do great good yet we also have the power to commit the most horrid of evils. Therefore i suppose there's a darkside in all of us. The trick is to manage our dark feelings properly.
However i also think some people are just evil in nature and not amount of persuasion can help them, these kind of ppl are minions of evil and should be destroyed!
i think i agree with most of what K-1 one says, but i personally do not think that there are any purely evil people. Before you say that you ought to look into their life, what kind of childhood they had, were their parents and siblings abusive, were they poor, was someone close to them killed infront of them, and what kind of other mental instabilities do they have. If we focoused more on things like that andhow to help them, instead of locking them up and throwing away the key, the world would be a much MUCH better place.

having said that, no one is purely good either. Every one has their own bits of jealousy and hatred in them, no one is perfectly nice and happy even if they seem to be. personally i would probably get annoyed by some one who was happy all the time. i wouldn't think they understood the sorrows and the real meaning of the world and what was going on around them.
well, you have a good point there Nausicaa ^^

but i think i still stick to my last view on evil people, i mean would you call Hitler a "misguided individual"? no you wont because he was pure complete evil! i hate evil!
People say my darkside is scary.But I like being good.
i still stick by what i said. Hitler was an evil man but he had feelings too. He was just so brainwashed, the only problem was that he was a brainwashed military type genious. If someone had just noticed and put him in a strait jacket and given him much needed therapy...
Believe me, though, i'm not trying to justify what he did to allof those people. Both of my mothers parents lived in holland then and suffered terribly because of the war. my grandma lost both of her parents and her brother, and my grandpa was forced to leave his house and try to find food on his own.
I can’t imagine that era, I know I have studied it, but I still find it hard to believe even though there are survivors from it to this day. Its frightening to think it was so recent. You must admit Hitler was a genius to be bale to brainwash so many people, I wonder if that makes him of equal calibre to someone like Napoleon, both were military leaders and incredible rulers, however one was just and the other was not.

I suppose this asks the question of nature VS nurture. Are we taught it, or is it in our minds. A scientist asked me an interesting question. In science there have been breakthroughs in creating synthetic cells. If scientists were able to create every type of human cell and replace our current cells with synthetic ones that would never die, would that make us still 'human' or machine. Would there be a 'ghost that lives in the shell' a spirit that is still human. I answered of coarse there is still something human in us. So i suppose evil is implanted in nature (as proven through DNA) But it does not answer the question of there possibly being dark spirits that have a hand in implanting dark thoughts. Is it possible dark angels/demons exist? I think they do. I think their more limited then angels, but i think their out there. Which brings me to this, has anyone seen the Mothman Prophecies? a mythical spirit like creature which few people can see that can foresee a dark future. Some say they cause it, others say their are here to help us, and others conclude that they torture us with these sad futures. They have been expressed through out history, so if people have been witnessing dark creatures since the beginning of time, do they exist, or a figment of our imagination that we pass on from generation to generation?

Haha sorry for the questioning, but I love walking through questions like this and outlining my way of tinking ^-^
QuoteOriginally posted by Goku_B (view)
People say my darkside is scary.But I like being good.

GOOD...now stay good goku......
Hmmm... Hitler can be considered to be in the same league as Napoleon. Both made use of the crisis among the people and the economic problems to take over.
I don't think Hitler was brainwashed; he knew very much what he was doing and stuff. Sure, he was nuts. Just read the book he wrote while being in prison after trying to take over Germany in 1923. It's called "Mein Kampf" and he talks about what the world should be like.
The real genius behind the NSDAP (or the nazi's) was also Joseph Goebbel, Hitler's right hand mand and publicity agent. They used radios, the most popular communication medium at that time, to contact the people. Also, both had quite a lot charisma and were fantastic speakers. Jackasses, but fantastic speakers.

Practically the entire World war II could have been avoided had they done the right things after the first World War, under which my country especially suffered.
Ugh. I just had my History exam today, hence all the stuff. I'll shut up now. :sheep:
speaking of darkside, i think im having a bit of it myself. Im so p#ssed off and angry these few days, its because of stupid work. I walk to work after exiting the subway station with all these images in my mind with violence and killing. If there is such thing as reincarnation i must have been an army general that was in charge of a huge massacre in my past life!
woah!!! Oniichan!!!

Hmmmm.....I hope everything goes well for you..... hmmmm

From the time we first begin to understand the difference between right and wrong , a choice lies before us on which path we wish to walk. Within us lies the desire to better ourselves or to serve others. To give of ourselves, or to take only for ourselves. Hitler and those like him, did not start out evil. By allowing themselves to give in to anger ,hate, and selfishness, they became along with those who followed them the monsters that we know. It is far easier to take than to give. It is easier to hurt than to heal. It is easier to kill than to save. We all have a darkside to our personality. Yet, we DO NOT have to give in to it. The world is filled with those who allow their dark self to be their dominant quality. Is that truly the path we wish to follow? Being angry or upset at life's injustice's is understandable. Just dont let darkness swallow you up and take away the good person you are.