I can’t imagine that era, I know I have studied it, but I still find it hard to believe even though there are survivors from it to this day. Its frightening to think it was so recent. You must admit Hitler was a genius to be bale to brainwash so many people, I wonder if that makes him of equal calibre to someone like Napoleon, both were military leaders and incredible rulers, however one was just and the other was not.
I suppose this asks the question of nature VS nurture. Are we taught it, or is it in our minds. A scientist asked me an interesting question. In science there have been breakthroughs in creating synthetic cells. If scientists were able to create every type of human cell and replace our current cells with synthetic ones that would never die, would that make us still 'human' or machine. Would there be a 'ghost that lives in the shell' a spirit that is still human. I answered of coarse there is still something human in us. So i suppose evil is implanted in nature (as proven through DNA) But it does not answer the question of there possibly being dark spirits that have a hand in implanting dark thoughts. Is it possible dark angels/demons exist? I think they do. I think their more limited then angels, but i think their out there. Which brings me to this, has anyone seen the Mothman Prophecies? a mythical spirit like creature which few people can see that can foresee a dark future. Some say they cause it, others say their are here to help us, and others conclude that they torture us with these sad futures. They have been expressed through out history, so if people have been witnessing dark creatures since the beginning of time, do they exist, or a figment of our imagination that we pass on from generation to generation?
Haha sorry for the questioning, but I love walking through questions like this and outlining my way of tinking ^-^