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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 06:35
Belldandy Gift

"Crying out for Help"

Topics Misc "Crying out for Help"
This might sound strange for this site but.....ummmm

What would you guys do if you know someone who is going to hurt themselves in a way because really bad things had happened in their life??? how would you talk to them??
such as (parent divorces, bad grades, relationships gone bad, teased??)

and he/she were your best friend too??

I need help here....

GOMENASAI Endimion....for putting this thread up......

Please??? If you see this post gab>? dont erase it please??
ban me if you want but im just asking to leave it here for 1 week ok??
gosh, thats a tough one.

i would probably comfort them by telling them not to give up but to fight on and go against the tide. if its a parents divorce, maybe comfort them by saying that the divorce is not their fault and both parents still love them. Cliche i know, but thats all i can think of at the moment.

Sometimes you yourself being a friend to listen to their troubles is already a big help, it lets them know there is someone there to support them and be there for them when needed.
I had just had to go through the same ordeal. Looking for advice was a good thing ^-^ Well if you live in Canada there is a wonderful helpline called Kids Help Phone, I am not sure if you have access to it but just in case the number is: 1800-668-6868. or go to their website: www.kidshelpphone.com to contact someone if your overseas. There are guidance councillors that can help no matter what.

In my case the guidance councillor told me to talk to my friend, sit her down for some 1 on 1 and confrot her with the porlbem. It's best to do it somewhere public, like a fcoffee shop, so that way they will have to controle themselves instead of get upset. If your friend is not willing to talk to their parents about their problems it is important to seak a doctor and get help. Keep in mind, it is extremly important to let someone know right away that your friend is willing to hert him/herself; this is not something you face on your own.

In my case my friend was mad at me after I got her help and she still won't talk to me or 'forgive me;' but I prefer that over a dire outcome. ^_^ Take care, I am sure everyhting will be fine and don't let it bother you to much.

I hope I was able to help you
Thanks guys!!! ^_^
hmm.... whatever tha case... they had better talk about it... keeping everything for theirselves isn't at all the good solution... of course i'm not saying you have to force them to talk... that's not a good idea, they will only block theirself and be even less keen on talking. make sure they talks to at least someone they trust. the simple fact of talking about their problems will help and they will feel at least a little better. ^^
also... if they really have the intention of hurting theirself.... well a phychologist is more than recomended. the phychologist will defenetly ask the good questions and help your friend finding the answers and i'm sure your friend will go much better. also, the phychologist is a doctor so he/she is under pfofessional silence, meaning is your friend doesn not wish their parents to know about what they and the phychologist talk about... well the phychologist isn't allow to go against their will.
me too...whenever they have problems, i will try to help them by comforting them and helping solve his/her problem...:|
Wow...this best friend seems to be in the kind of mess I was in not too long ago. In all honesty there isn't much you can do, Kei-kun. A sad truth. Spend time with that friend, make sure that he/she knows that there is way too much to give up. Try to be with him/her very often, and let your friend know that you're their when he or she needs you. That's best thing any friend can do. And when that friend is ready to talk about it, he/she will. And he/she will know that you're there for him/her just when he/she needs you.

Wish I had seen this sooner...
I thank you very much guys...... *Sniffle*

I care very much about this person.....and of course you guys too.....

because all of you guys are my good friends.... ^_^
well someone like that may already know that people care about them a lot. i know someone like that. they have a lot of friends that care about them but they still don't want to live any longer. i try to help but anything i say gets shot down so i have no idea what to do. i try complimenting them but they argue everything i say and i can never get the point across that i love them very much(its a girlfriend that i have known for years) and never want anything bad to happen to them. i have no idea how to help people like that even though i went through the same thing many times so far.
Tell us when everything wotrks out for your friend, you are doing a wonderful thing Kei ^-^
yeah I'll tell you guys..... ^_^ thanks again...
yeah...we will gonna help you asap!