I had just had to go through the same ordeal. Looking for advice was a good thing ^-^ Well if you live in Canada there is a wonderful helpline called Kids Help Phone, I am not sure if you have access to it but just in case the number is: 1800-668-6868. or go to their website: www.kidshelpphone.com to contact someone if your overseas. There are guidance councillors that can help no matter what.
In my case the guidance councillor told me to talk to my friend, sit her down for some 1 on 1 and confrot her with the porlbem. It's best to do it somewhere public, like a fcoffee shop, so that way they will have to controle themselves instead of get upset. If your friend is not willing to talk to their parents about their problems it is important to seak a doctor and get help. Keep in mind, it is extremly important to let someone know right away that your friend is willing to hert him/herself; this is not something you face on your own.
In my case my friend was mad at me after I got her help and she still won't talk to me or 'forgive me;' but I prefer that over a dire outcome. ^_^ Take care, I am sure everyhting will be fine and don't let it bother you to much.
I hope I was able to help you