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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:24
Belldandy Gift

First meeting

Topics Ah! My Goddess First meeting
How did you happen to know about this wonderful manga/anime that is Oh! Megami sama?
As for me it was totaly unexpected: a few years ago i had bought a magazine in wich there was a very small picture of an other anime magazine with a tiny screenshot from AMG movie ... it was Bell, just after the final battle. I found her soooo beautiful that i inspected the small letters to find out the name of the anime. Then i did some researchs on the net and decided to buy the first three volumes. At the beginning I was quite desapointed because of the ungraceful design but i was convinced it would go better... that's what happened, even more then expected! And from then on, I'm a deep-seated AMG fan!! ^^

What bout you? How was your first meeting with Bell-chan?
two or one year ago Me and my sister bought this anime insider magazine it had a picture of the three goddess (from the manga 18.) of coarse I thought skuld was so beautiful :love: my sister thought belldandy was. (but we didn't know there names at the time.) we search on the web and my brother came to see he fell in love with urd. when the next issue of anime insider came they had page and context of just Ah my Goddess we cute out pics :sheep: hehe..we never thought we were going to buy the dvds because we had no money :(. but then one day my mom took us out to lunch she said we had to go best buy and we found an Ah my goddess DVD we were so happy. :) then i raised money for more each time it came out.(those rough times X| ) but now look were hook on amg can't get anough. :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
It was the first Japanese Anime that I watched when I moved to US.
(Somewhere between 1997 - 2000)

AMG the movie was also the first anime movie that I've saw.

It was also the anime that inspired me to join the anime club during my High School year.

I base my personality after AMG... lol
lets see...it was about a year and a half ago. I had just rediscovered anime in July '05...and one day I was looking for anime wallpaper for my desktop and I came across these gorgeous pictures of these three goddesses. I promptly looked up Ah! My Goddess and decided that I had to watch this series. I then bought the first two volumes of the tv series and absolutely fell in love with the characters and storyline, especially Urd (she's my fav). I also find the artwork to be simply amazing, but I tend to prefer the tv series style to the oav, but I digress...after the first episode I was hooked and I've been an AMG fan ever since. I also got my sister into it and now she is just as obsessed as I am...:)
I found OVA somewhere, I think in 04 or late 03, when I just started getting into anime. I think it was a side discovery to my main goal of getting my hands on Escaflowne. Then I think I watched the OVA a couple of times, and as I started getting more interesting in other anime and the different venues of finding fansubs/scanlations, I found the AMG manga off of kickassanime's site for volumes 1-27 I believe. And it all went on from there...
I've been an anime fan and enjoyed several series. I have one site I visit that offers a host of different ones and came across the second season of AMG, ep1. After seeing the monk deal with Urd and Skuld at the front of the temple I figured I had better see if there was more to this, because I hadn't realized it was the second season. I found what i was looking for and have been hooked. I only regret to have only seen the movie via youtube, and it looks like there are some scenes missing. :(
I think there is already a thread like this....BTW my first meet was in 1994 in a magazine, my cousin liked AMG and she showed to me a chapter, i was young and i wasn't interested in Shojo manga:sheep: at that age my fav was Dragon ball.
QuoteOriginally posted by viet80 (view)
I think there is already a thread like this....BTW my first meet was in 1994 in a magazine, my cousin liked AMG and she showed to me a chapter, i was young and i wasn't interested in Shojo manga:sheep: at that age my fav was Dragon ball.

hmm there is one where??? :inoc:

ohh yeah want to know something sad:cry: /funny:laugh: at the same time.

when I was little I loved manga and comic books but the only sad thing was in the back of one them they advertised for AMG all over the place I didn't notice until now when I'm already a fan I could have known about sooner :laugh:. :p
My friend showed me a episode..... I was watching a other anime. So I didn't watch this~! Then one day I remembered this.... So I type it up and found the show.
Last summer of 2004, I switched the TV to AXN that time. There I got acquainted with the anime "Ah! My Goddess!" The original TV series weren't airing yet...because obviously it was a year ago back then...(it began airing on 2005...the TV series). Anyway...I remembered on AXN that the OVA's were the one's still on air that time. Actually, I really got interested on AMG...(since a sissy friend of mine introduced me to a whole lot of pictures of bold anime women and anime girls in bathing suits...to put it simply...hentai.) because I've seen a lot of interesting pictures...so I got curious about the series. I loved the OVA's...though only 5 episodes...I've managed to watch 3 out of 5. xD

My anime crave returned last year...october of 2006 when I began to watch Yu Yu Hakusho videos on Youtube(before they were all dismantled). Then after finishing and reviewing the whole sesries...I began to crave for more...this time more of the cheesy stuff of anime...(hangover of yu yu hakusho's episode 112...so emotional). Then I downloaded Onegai teacher episodes...though just from 1-13 I began to crave for more...this was when I remembered AMG. I just recalled AMG had 5 episodes the last time I saw it...but when I searched on Youtube...holy guacamole! There's about a hundred of the entire thing! Crap I've missed so much!!! I loved it when I first watched it...then I grew to love the TV series even more!!!

And now three years later...(which is today) I find myself reconciled of the AMG addiction. I've never known that a TV series has been airing...not to mention 2 seasons have gone ahead without my notice. Anyway, I got into downloading thee AMG series because I wanted to transfer all of them to my trusty iPOD vid 60GIG. And well, In a matter of days I've managed to both download and finish the series...I still can't figure out ep 23 and 24 though...coz neither of them has got subs...and I can't understand jap mind you. I've also watched the movie...and I hope there's 1 more! Oh...and the much anticipated season 3...I promise I won't leave4 this anime behind until I see the final season coming...(not saying the 3rd is the final).

Well, that's all folks!
For me it starteed with a home made music video by Brad DeMoss which had the clips from OVA set to the Goo Goo Dolls song Iris (I strongly recomend this video) that my brother had downloaded off of Kazza bc of the song and it was an anime music video. I found it in our collection of downloaded songs and music videos and I used to watch it along with several other music videos and songs on fridays (bc I am sad, lonely, and dont have anything else to do on fridays (my fridays involve more video games nowadays)). Fast foward a few years and a replaced hard drive later (where the amv disappeared) I was at a dance with my date and then Iris came on and we went to the floor to dance a slow dance and I sang it along in her ear. Towards the end of the song I thought of a line to use, it went like this:

Me: "____ do you know who I am?"
Her: "I dont know, who are you?"
(Heres where I messed it up)
Me: (pause) "Um, I dont know."
Her: (laughs)
(In retrospect it should have gone like this)
me "I am ______ and I have waited a hundred years to be with you"

In case your wondering, it never really got off the runway with us, it was sorta a one sided thing coming from me to her, she told me that she just thought of me "as a friend" (I think she told me that after the dance or was it on aim?), and she was out of my league. Oh well, sad tales of me aside. that night after getting home, I felt kinda nostalgic and so I went to my computer and fired up lime wire while I got out of my suit and started searching around according to the main lyrics and found the song and played it on my computer thinking on the night. I then thought of the amv and tried to remember the name of the anime. I thought "Wasnt it Ah My Goddess?" and then punched it in to try my luck. A pretty healthy result page came up (this search was done when the first half of the anime series was airing) and I found the familiar AMV and downloaded it. I then thought as I rewatched the familiar video "I wonder how the series is." and I started to just download the first five episodes to sample it. I went to sleep while my computer ground away to give Bell and K1 a new home. I watched the first couple of episodes and got hooked. I began to watch them as fast and in order that I could get with Lime Wire. I watched the season until it ended and was crushed by the fact it was over (but still loved the nostalgic-esque feel of the season finale credits (you guys know what I am talking about)). I had found the OVAs and the movie and was sorta let down by the OVA's (I know someone who sounds kinda like Skuld's english voice actor at times) but enjoyed the movie (dispite the crappy audio) and kinda wished that Celestine would have appeared in the anime.

Later that year in the summer when I was preparing for a trip I decided to make some cd's of AMG and give it to a friend (I should give them to him but at this point for the dubs of the bonus episodes) and I had to redownload all of the episodes (dont ask) and while I was downloading I noticed something in this listing. There were more episodes and some were labeled such things like "Ah_My_Goddess_s2_ep1" "Ah My Goddess Sorenozore No Tsubasa-5" and I didnt know if they were misslabled or were like lost episodes that someone recently posted. So I tried my luck and hoped that I wasnt going to download the same episode twice. When the first episode finished, I opened it and I was greeted with a white out, slow reveal and pan of heaven, and bag pipes. Then I saw our favorite goddess being reflected in the water playing the pipes. I was floored. MORE EPISODES BABY!! I loved the first episode and the following that I could download at that point which was up until episode 7. Which was sorta a shame for me since I didnt like Peorth when she showed up and I stopped and went on a few week hiatus with Peorth's arrival fresh in the series. When I got back I started dling again and began to dl with bit torrent from Anime Yuki since I saw it credited for the fansubs. As I used bit torrent, I found a torrent with the volume compilations of AMG manga and read them quickly and I loved Lind the moment I hit the angel eater arc. Later in the year around episode 14, I was able to get a friend addicted to it reluctantly when I showed him the first few episodes after a Lan party at his house. His favorite character seems to be Hild since she makes all the demons look good after Mara made them look like incompitent weaklings. When he caught up with the animes, we started to watch them together as they came and we both enjoyed the end.

As for how did I find this site and fanfics which gave me the idea of making some of my own. One word: Wikipedia. Ah, the amount of articles on everything that could wish to know. When I was doing research for a religion project that I was assigned Vikings (quite possibly my favorite project for any class that I have ever done) I saw on the side bar for the viking article three familiar names and one that was altered. Verdandi, Urd, Skuld, and Lind. I then looked at their articles and found out about their basis and their other wiki article with had a link to this site. For a while I didnt visit, then I visited once liked the pics and saw the pics and manga updates and started to visit as a place to find out news, get pics that I could use as a background, and read the forums. then TailsFoxFive created the "Corrupt an AMG fantasy wish" after a few postings, I actually started to think about joining to corrupt wishes rather than much later when I got my fan fics up. Then the rest is history.