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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 09:34
Belldandy Gift

Belldandy: The Goddess of Jealously? And Keiichi...the loser?

Topics Ah! My Goddess Belldandy: The Goddess of Jealously? And Keiichi...the loser?
Have you noticed that belldandy becomes evil when she's jealous? In that times she really is the Goddess of Jealously: a scary evil creature.
I wonder why she's jealous of...keiichi :D Keiichi is probably the biggest loser on earth, i wonder why she choose to be near such idiotic ugly coward loser. I wonder if they didnt exchange by mistake some character plans with other series, or maybe fujishima was drunk when he thought about keeichi (maybe he saw keeichi's face on his vomit) O_O
Bell is not evil. I would say that she is not quite aware what's happening at all at those moments... Overhelmed by fear, dread feelings, pain... It's not like her intention to harm anyone, she just cannot control the power she holds.

Maybe coward, but with a BIG heart. Don't you remember? "You posses qualities of much greater value. Ect, ect..." That's what's special about him. And if he wasn't like that what would the whole thing be about, don't you agree? :)
Keiichi is not a total loser. He's not particularly good looking and is somewhat shy, as well as sometimes unlucky, but he's also a really nice guy who's also smart, a skilled racer, and has the guts to stand up to the Queen of Hell.
LOlololololol u can b funny Endymion(maybe he saw keeichi's face on his vomit) lol that was funny ^^.For a Goddess she does get jealious.Goddess are suppose to be perfect.Well I gyess Belldandy really doesnt trust K1 like she says tshe does.
In my opinion Bell-chan don't understand all her feelings because in Haven they don't have pain, jealous and other that kind of emotions^^ so when she stayed with K1 on earth and confront her perfect live and earth's live something has to happened ^^

About K1 I don't think either he is complete looser ^^ he have bad a good sides ^^
hahaha, this is really funny.. coz It's true!!! who's againts me?? hehehe
the way I see it, it's a very cute combination, and ludicrous. makes the whole AMG story fun.

well, lets face it, the jelousy part tells that Bell really likes Kei,
why would she be jelous anyway? haha. well, emotions,
JELOUSY: is normal in any intimate feeling toward someone that's being taken advantage of by others you are not comfortable with, i bet all of us had this kinda emotion, not sure about the Goddess part though.

and Keiichi, the loser, ~(HAHAHA)~that was really funny, I coudnt stop kidding myself,
well, ironically Kei is a practical example I guess,
example of the purest heart with wisdom, but the most shy guys out there.
I could actually name a few ^^, (including yours truly) *cough so loud*
QuoteOriginally posted by Endymion (view)
Have you noticed that belldandy becomes evil when she's jealous? In that times she really is the Goddess of Jealously: a scary evil creature.
I wonder why she's jealous of...keiichi :D Keiichi is probably the biggest loser on earth, i wonder why she choose to be near such idiotic ugly coward loser. I wonder if they didnt exchange by mistake some character plans with other series, or maybe fujishima was drunk when he thought about keeichi (maybe he saw keeichi's face on his vomit) O_O

well k1 does look like a loser sometimes. But there's must something in him that bell likes.
Yeah its not as simple as that, since while K1 may come across as a loser, he can be brave when it comes to protecting her, he never tries to put any pressure on her even though its obvious that he has unfulfilled desires, he is very driven when responsibility is put on him and he tends to be very kind and forgiving, these seem to be among the major reasons Bell loves him.

As for Bell she may be jealous, but there is nothing wrong with that, since it stems from her desire to want to be happy with K1, nothing wrong in that desire, and the fact that in spite of her jealousy she still tries to help even those who are the cause of her jealousy shows that she is a very good person.
The thing about Bell's jealousy is something that was meant to portray her humanity. Bigbluedragon was partially correct about Bell not understanding her feelings, but it wasn't because the emotions didn't exist in heaven. It's because she never experienced the emotion of loving someone. When Bell becomes jealous, in my opinion at least, is when people first see her as not some perfect person without faults, but another human being. If my intuition serves me right, I think this was the point Fujishima-san was trying to get through. That even a goddess can change in the presence of humanity.

As for Keiichi being a loser, I'll disagree with that. Yes, he's shy. Yes, he seems to be quite pathetic when it comes to being around Bell. Yes, he is not the best looking guy. Sooo~~~... how does that constitute he's a loser? In the end, when people start calling others losers, it's when they become insecure about their own existence. (No offense, I'm not flaming anyone, just making a comment.) What happens is that there are traits within all of us that define who we are. When we begin labeling others as "losers" it's because there are things that the "loser" has that we cannot compare with, and therefore, in hopes of finding superior qualities within ourselves, we begin to berate, and belittle others. It's human nature to do so, and it will most likely not change. So in the end, by calling others losers, aren't WE the ones who are really "losers?" Just some thoughts. (Sorry if this was too off topic, I just wanted to express some things that seem to get overlooked.)
loser doesnt have to be a bad trait. loser is another word for pathetic-more direct. anyway k1 is very special. remember when they 1st met n how bell describe k1?isnt it befitting him. u're right though about traits. K1 reminds me of someone I knew. whenever i called him a loser i kept thinking : "Hey do u think we can go back there?"

Even Bell i trying her best to be a human so she can stay as closer as she can to k1.btw, i agreed that bell not aware of her emotion bcoz as it was her nature as a 1st class goddess to care of everyone and everything 1st before hers.then, when she starts to live with k1, she has feelings of her own. Jealousy? Kinda cute when she's in her jealousy. Bell was really happy when Urd commented that she's becoming more n more human.
Bell has human feelings so it's normal for her to feel jealous...and Keiichi...if he weren't a "loser",Bell woludn't come to help him!!!
Most people say that because of jealous:E because they dont want to see (or they arent able to understand) his real "being" that is hidden behind that "loser condition"

"Loser" can have different meanings, but I dont think that a guy that is a skilled mechanic, racer, engineer can be a looser, also rember that all people really trust him

He isnt a God, so he must have tons of defects like all of us, other way the manga will be boring
Besides, I think this is the perfect time for one of my favorite quotes from the movie. In the scene when Belldandy has seen Morgan le Fay kissing Keiichi and has ran off and he meets up with her back at the shrine, she walks over to him and says that she feels wrong for this 'dark' feeling inside of her when she sees Keiichi with anyone else. It's to this that Keiichi responds with...

"And that is the reason why I love you" [Or something along that angle]

I think one thing about Bell's jealous streak. It's not that she doesn't trust him, but as they have shown numerous times, she doesn't trust herself. Jealousy is not a feeling she really hasn't had to feel, so it is something that scares her every time she feels it.

It is also what makes her more human. But it also means one thing.. there can not be jealously without some other feeling behind it. With Belldandy being the good natured person that she is, Keiichi seems pretty confident that she's jealous because she truely loves him, and he sees both her warmth, smile, and even her jealousy as an expression of that.

While Keiichi may be a 'social' loser by the 'standard' definition. The patience and warmth that he shows Belldandy when he actually gets to fully open his heart to her shows exactly what sort of person he is.. and a loser.. he is far from that.. especially by the movie.

We do not seek perfection.. but simply what is perfect for us.

till this day
I still can't stop kidding myself over this thought..
It's really fun figuring this out,