Think of Belldandy as a...well, I'll equate her to a F1 car, or rather, a driver who's never been in an F1 car before. The first time that set of wheels gets outta control, the guy in the cockpit's gonna be sitting in the cockpit thinking "Damn, this thing's a piece of crap, it'll kill you if you SUGGEST screwing up!" Not true. The driver just needs to know what F1 is like, and get in tune with what F1 is all about. Nothing can prepare a driver for driving in F1 like driving the freakin' car.
Same goes for Belldandy. Belldandy's never seen challenges before, so if she sees a challenge or a rival to K1 and the feelings of jealousy are introduced for the first time (well, outside Peorth, but she's a special case), Belldandy has nothing in her repertoire to tell her how to react or cope. Cue observers, who think "Damn, that lady's a b****, she'll KILL you if you SUGGEST screwing around with that guy!" Again, not true. As a goddess, Belldandy may be centuries old, but there are things that even living for centuries as a supernatural being cannot prepare her for. You weren't exactly the kings and queens of chill when YOU first encountered jealousy, were you?
...let he without sin cast the first stone.
And as for K1? Well, he's not a loser, he's just...not inclined to aggressive action. He and I share a common bond: we'd like to cruise through life unless we really have to throttle up, and we only do that when stressed or at crunch time. Sure, we have the capacity within us to make the first move, but hell, we both don't consider it the gentlemanly thing to do.