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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 09:35
Belldandy Gift

Belldandy: The Goddess of Jealously? And Keiichi...the loser?

Topics Ah! My Goddess Belldandy: The Goddess of Jealously? And Keiichi...the loser?
QuoteOriginally posted by stevejaen (view)
till this day
I still can't stop kidding myself over this thought..
It's really fun figuring this out,

Kidding yourself over what thought, per chance?

Jealousy is one of those emotions that are very difficult to describe. It is innate to humanity, and no one (as Belldandy proves) is immune to it. I believe this jealousy stems from her insecurity with herself, and as such, her emotions are expressed accordingly when she feels that Keiichi is being liked by someone else, or to the least, percieved to be. While we express jealoisy through out actions and words, Belldandy's own way of expressing it reflects her nature: she is kind-hearted, but the larger the iceberg, the deeper it penetrates. Belldandy is often percieved to be perfect and flawless by most people; however, her jealousy is her major detracting point.

By creating Belldandy's character with this deliberate flaw (jealousy), the series is more balanced, and Belldandy's character is more credible and human. It is an interesting addition to the series, and also allows for both characters and actual human emotions to be explored in greater depth, while also allowing the series to have more dynamic and well-developed characters.
Roughly speaking is a set of pixels that is jealous of other set of pixels :D
QuoteOriginally posted by teh_nubkilr (view)
Jealousy is one of those emotions that are very difficult to describe. It is innate to humanity, and no one (as Belldandy proves) is immune to it. I believe this jealousy stems from her insecurity with herself, and as such, her emotions are expressed accordingly when she feels that Keiichi is being liked by someone else, or to the least, percieved to be. While we express jealoisy through out actions and words, Belldandy's own way of expressing it reflects her nature: she is kind-hearted, but the larger the iceberg, the deeper it penetrates. Belldandy is often percieved to be perfect and flawless by most people; however, her jealousy is her major detracting point.

By creating Belldandy's character with this deliberate flaw (jealousy), the series is more balanced, and Belldandy's character is more credible and human. It is an interesting addition to the series, and also allows for both characters and actual human emotions to be explored in greater depth, while also allowing the series to have more dynamic and well-developed characters.

well..he has a point...

this series would be boring if the characters have no flaws... :E
hehe I hate Keichi so I agree completely with this :P. They should have made a cool character or something not a wuss!
this funny topic brings lots of ideas and makes it more funny.. haha
I still cant stop kidding myslf over this,

haha, for me Keiichi is the absolute match, as a total loser to someone so perfect, hehe
that's AMG..
QuoteOriginally posted by demon_belldandy (view)
hehe I hate Keichi so I agree completely with this :P. They should have made a cool character or something not a wuss!

I disagree, K1 is someone most guys can relate to, a cool person would not have been as likable a character, or a character worthy of Belldandy, because a cool guy probably wouldn't have been willing to wait until Bell is ready. A cool guy would have been a jerk like Aoshima and Bell would have blasted him out a window and then left for heaven.
Why should someone like Keiichi be a total loser?
He's so warm hearted und such a gentle person! I don't believe that "real" man have to be good looking and cool all the time.
I'd have to agree with most saying that Keiichi isn't in fact a loser. Keiichi is, after all, merely human. I doubt most would admit to it here, but I'm sure most of you probably are like him in one way or another (Keiichi likes Belldandy, we like Belldandy, coincidence...?). I doubt anyone here would act any more assertive in this kind of situation, I mean, she has powers that can destroy entire cities (apparently) and when her powers are combined with Urd's and Skuld's, they become the three most powerful beings in our dimension (well, at least that's what I gleaned from the movie's end), I'd be pretty darn nervous around a person like that.

Keep in mind that Keiichi has never had much like with the female half of his species either (okay, his relationship is technically biracial if you think about it), so he has no point of reference where he should go nor what he should do. Belldandy doesn't seem to know many Japanese customs either, so it's almost like the blind leading the deaf.

It's also probable that Keiichi's father also had something to do with how he reacts around women too, but that's up for speculation. :P
I don't think K1 is at all concerned about her being a goddess at this point, that's not the reason he is at heart a good person who tries to help others, so yeah it does make him come across as a bit of a door mat since most people will try and take advantage of that good nature, his sempais certainly did, Bell is perfect for him because she has a very similar nature and isn't going to take advantage of him no more than he would take advantage of her. Now part of the reason he has seemed so slow to move the relationship is because of his good nature, he doesn't want to push her knowing that she really isn't ready, Belldandy isn't like other girls, or even other goddesses for that matter she is rather special and so its harder for him, since he doesn't know how much she is aware of or how far she is willing to go. Add to that his tendency to over think things rather than just go with the flow and you get why he tends to come across as nervous, a lot of times he's so busy trying to plan out a romantic moment with Bell instead of just enjoying being around her and seeing where life takes them.
Well ... K1 is the kind of guy that finds good even in evil so he can never ever hurt Bell one way or another - Bell on the other hand is expiriencing 1st hand what it means to 'possesive' on a person means, in a few words if you really love a person you have to be jealous otherwise it's not love at all! Still you can't be so much to blow everything off the roof - too much jealousy ruins all other feelings!!

As Urd said to make K1 realize how much Bell loves him "Love ain't always nice" and when you see your beloved being close to somebody else it HURTS!
Think of Belldandy as a...well, I'll equate her to a F1 car, or rather, a driver who's never been in an F1 car before. The first time that set of wheels gets outta control, the guy in the cockpit's gonna be sitting in the cockpit thinking "Damn, this thing's a piece of crap, it'll kill you if you SUGGEST screwing up!" Not true. The driver just needs to know what F1 is like, and get in tune with what F1 is all about. Nothing can prepare a driver for driving in F1 like driving the freakin' car.
Same goes for Belldandy. Belldandy's never seen challenges before, so if she sees a challenge or a rival to K1 and the feelings of jealousy are introduced for the first time (well, outside Peorth, but she's a special case), Belldandy has nothing in her repertoire to tell her how to react or cope. Cue observers, who think "Damn, that lady's a b****, she'll KILL you if you SUGGEST screwing around with that guy!" Again, not true. As a goddess, Belldandy may be centuries old, but there are things that even living for centuries as a supernatural being cannot prepare her for. You weren't exactly the kings and queens of chill when YOU first encountered jealousy, were you?
...let he without sin cast the first stone.

And as for K1? Well, he's not a loser, he's just...not inclined to aggressive action. He and I share a common bond: we'd like to cruise through life unless we really have to throttle up, and we only do that when stressed or at crunch time. Sure, we have the capacity within us to make the first move, but hell, we both don't consider it the gentlemanly thing to do.
QuoteOriginally posted by Airrider (view)
Think of Belldandy as a...well, I'll equate her to a F1 car, or rather, a driver who's never been in an F1 car before. The first time that set of wheels gets outta control, the guy in the cockpit's gonna be sitting in the cockpit thinking "Damn, this thing's a piece of crap, it'll kill you if you SUGGEST screwing up!" Not true. The driver just needs to know what F1 is like, and get in tune with what F1 is all about. Nothing can prepare a driver for driving in F1 like driving the freakin' car.
Same goes for Belldandy. Belldandy's never seen challenges before, so if she sees a challenge or a rival to K1 and the feelings of jealousy are introduced for the first time (well, outside Peorth, but she's a special case), Belldandy has nothing in her repertoire to tell her how to react or cope. Cue observers, who think "Damn, that lady's a b****, she'll KILL you if you SUGGEST screwing around with that guy!" Again, not true. As a goddess, Belldandy may be centuries old, but there are things that even living for centuries as a supernatural being cannot prepare her for. You weren't exactly the kings and queens of chill when YOU first encountered jealousy, were you?
...let he without sin cast the first stone.

And as for K1? Well, he's not a loser, he's just...not inclined to aggressive action. He and I share a common bond: we'd like to cruise through life unless we really have to throttle up, and we only do that when stressed or at crunch time. Sure, we have the capacity within us to make the first move, but hell, we both don't consider it the gentlemanly thing to do.

No one thinks of Belldandy in that manner( as a #####), excpet maybe the Gate who called her a bad goddess for her jelousy, to which belldandy replied that yes when it comes to Keiichi she is selfish
well, on basic terms.. we all get jelous right?
when we feel jelous especially because about something you love (like bell to kei),
we kinda feel the limit to erupt inside..
Bell on the other hand has powers.. And those powers come from inside her..
When she gets jelous she erupts inside.. Well, she has that powers, they erupt..
Oh damn hell yeah they erupt.. hehe

Her inside erupts and set it out like fire! O.o
QuoteOriginally posted by Endymion (view)
Have you noticed that belldandy becomes evil when she's jealous? In that times she really is the Goddess of Jealously: a scary evil creature.
I wonder why she's jealous of...keiichi :D Keiichi is probably the biggest loser on earth, i wonder why she choose to be near such idiotic ugly coward loser. I wonder if they didnt exchange by mistake some character plans with other series, or maybe fujishima was drunk when he thought about keeichi (maybe he saw keeichi's face on his vomit) O_O

LOL!!!!! true true