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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:11
Belldandy Gift


I like reading online manga's such as mega tokyo and ghost hunters, you have a section for anime, what do you think of the idea of adding a section to the forum dedicated to manga's both online and in good old book format.

To other readers I would also like to know what you guys think of it and if you think it is a plausible idea as such, I don't know how many other people read manga's and are members on this site.
I don't really read that much manga, except online that is. But I think that's a great suggestion! Everyone who has both one of the manga's and a scanner can help gather it. Way to go, JWalt! Never would've thought of that myself, but then again, I'm not one of the smartest people around here. Darn. :|
Yeah, I read manga's, I think they are great fun! Your idea is good, nice thinking! ^^
I actually enjoy the Oh My Goddess/Ah! Megami-Sama manga much more than the anime. The anime is beautifull, in full colour, and has a decent soundtrack, but for story and character development the manga has it hands down ...and there's a lot of story! You also get to see Fujishima develop and refine the character designs over time.
I've got almost half of the graphic novels, and a nice little stack of the comicbook sized epps. from the north american publisher. I was considering putting one story arc up in a gallery, it's in eight parts so i'd empty out the gallery and put up the next part once a week. But there is the copyright issue, and the fact that we all should be supporting Fujishima Kosuke to continuine his works , so i'd like your opinions first.
I see...Actually, you've got a point there. I always try to respect people's art and wishes, so maybe it would be best not to post them here.
Not that I don't want to see them! For me, of course, it's a real pain because I can't get my hands on any manga's that easily. Even really popular ones, like DBZ, are so hard to find.
But I do think that we should think about the copywright and stuff. Nice thinking, Lionfish.
I dont think its a good idea to empty an album and put new pics. Its not good for database! And it takes time.

You may pm belldandy and ask access to site's ftp. That may be easier, you just upload a zip/rar pack and ppl get it :p

Ftp directory is : http://www.angel-feathers.com/af_ftp
You're probably right gabriolis, about the database. Mind you it probably isn't a good idea for me to muck with the site's ftp either, it'd be a new trick for me._.
I guess we'll just have to see if the demand is there, i'm certainly willing to do some scanning!
Hey lionfish,
Do you know any urls to sites for companies that produce/sell manga. You might want to check with Belldandy and gabriolis first, but that could be helpful too. I live in the midwest, pretty much the middle of nowhere. Sooo manga isn't all that common an occurence.
Yeah Chonrad, i know where you're coming from, and then some. About 300 miles of gravel road gets me to Quebec pavement, then a further day's drive gets me to an english speaking city. Here in town we don't even get DC/Marvel comics;_;
No actual links, but i'll point you in the right direction.
The U.S. official distributer is tfaw.com , punch in "oh my goddess" in thier search bar. They have comics, Graphic novels, videos, and other stuff
you can also get some of the graphic novels and videos at amazon.com , and ebay is always worth a look.

-Oh, BTW go for the graphic novels over the comics, it'll save you money and fustration, you can't buy the first 80+ comics anymore

Ain't we supposed to be in the "Manga"section of the forum?
Oh my god...! :sheep:

Talk about a complicated. Anywho, I think that the demand for those manga's is definetly there, Lionfish. But as you pointed out before, we need to consider copywright and everything. Meh...it's worth trying, I guess.
Oh nooo! You're right lionfish, we should be. lol
at least at this point where the thread's wound up at. LOLOL

*drops to knees forehead on the floor.*
"Gomen Nasaii belldandy-sama"

Da blushing Fairy. lol
(couldn't think of anything that started with an f that was synonomous with blushing. lol)
Guess what, now this thread is at manga forum.

magical teleportation.

*hugz Belldandy*

Chonrad, my man, you're pathetic. :)

And yeah, thanks Bell-chan. How wonderful it must be to have the powers of a goddess, ne?

:kiss: to all
who thought the section I started so long ago would come to this, ^_^ I love it, exactly what I was hoping for, and if there are no copywrite restrictions I would certainly love to get my grubby paws on those comics, I love manga's, oh I also want to try do a manga to improve my art, I've got an album for it, and as I work I'll add pages, untill I get a site, check it out comment and be harsh, I'll harbor no ill feelings honest ~_^
I too know the unavailibility of manga. I live in the sparse north where 1 out of 1000 people know what manga is. Luckily, there has been somewhat of an increase in the past few years, but there is still a long way to go. I have 15 volumes of AMG but all but 2 were ordered from elsewhere. It was definitely money well spent though. AMG offers a great variety of plots and there is much more quirkiness to the characters. I strongly recommend getting the graphic novels if you feel like shelling out the money.