In my case, its partly due to the government wanting to spend money on more 'important' things. Since we are limited and in debt to the USA, we have to make cuts here and there, we made cuts on our education (which already was bad enough) we have some of the best universities, but our schools (unless they are private like mine) are poorly funded and some are even shutting donw because of the budget cuts and teachers getting fired so the government would have less paychecks to give out. Hospitals recieved cuts, less beds, and medicines and doctors, ect. Our Government is not to smart ^-^' Hwever the cuts had to be made to areas where most of the money is, I just wish thee was a better alternative. Don't get me wrong, its not like we are badly off or anything, its just difficult every now and then, especially after gas prices shot up, which i think drained everyones wallets including the USA.