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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 03:41
Belldandy Gift

If you can dine out with Bell...

Topics Ah! My Goddess If you can dine out with Bell...
corruption and money is the reason for it all

same reason they dont spend more money making a h20 powered car
but eventually the problem will get to a point where the need for action is inevitable so why not take care of it now when the problem is less severe.
In my case, its partly due to the government wanting to spend money on more 'important' things. Since we are limited and in debt to the USA, we have to make cuts here and there, we made cuts on our education (which already was bad enough) we have some of the best universities, but our schools (unless they are private like mine) are poorly funded and some are even shutting donw because of the budget cuts and teachers getting fired so the government would have less paychecks to give out. Hospitals recieved cuts, less beds, and medicines and doctors, ect. Our Government is not to smart ^-^' Hwever the cuts had to be made to areas where most of the money is, I just wish thee was a better alternative. Don't get me wrong, its not like we are badly off or anything, its just difficult every now and then, especially after gas prices shot up, which i think drained everyones wallets including the USA.
it's pretty similar over here in the UK. the National health system is in crisis, the education system is in trouble, youths are out of control, issues with asylum seekers are causing racial rifts etc and plus the war in iraq is not exactly helping things.

Stop! and take a look around where we are, ....,, how did a thread about dining out with Belldandy end up talking about the national education system? ^^' LOL
Good point. I was about to bring that up. lol. I start the topic back up again.

Is it really the best thing to do, bring Belldandy out to a resturant? Her cooking is supposed to be better anyway. It's like bringing her out to eat poorer quality food isn't it? Okay it's meant to be romantic but isn't it possible to make your house more romantic like Keiichi did?

I mean if anyone WANTED to be to an expensive resturant, it makes me wonder if they want to be with you or do you want what's in your wallet.
Tails, you make a very good point! ^^
Like i said earlier in my first post, i would rather have me and Belldandy make the meal ourselves at home. We would eat at a romantically set up table at home, just the two of us ^^

On the thing of whether a girl would go out with you for who you are or your wallet, i myself would not go out with such a girl. A girl that thinks only of social status and riches is pretty empty to me (bit like Sayoko ^^'), thats why my type of girl is one who is kind, gentle, good hearted, down to earth etc in other words Belldandy is my type of girl! ^^ im sorry i guess everybody here already knows that ^^'
Well, Im not sure if this was brought up, but what about taking Belldandy to Dine on something new that she has not tasted before ^-^ In her case it would be western cooking, and if your not a great cook then taking her to a good, or even simple restaurant (expens isn't everything, i find cheeper cafe's are nicer to go to sometimes cause the food is more homely ^-^) She might like that as a treat not an every night thing ^-^
I guess the most important thing would be if they served tea or not
id take belldandy to a place where the cooking of italian food was its best( aka the olive garden) and then id treat her to a nice movie. to wrap it up id then take her to the mall and buy alittle something for her as well as take pics in the little booths commonly set up at malls to remember the great time we had( IF we had one...)
Aww, I am sure you would have had a wonderful time with Belldandy! I think the Olive Garden is a wonderful choice myself, it's very fresh! I would probably go to local restaurants that are not franchized ^-^
hmmm dine out huh??? me I would just get lost in some kind of strange forest.. @_@ Because I dont go out to dine...only if someone takes me then I would go because they keep on insisting..but!! I'll cook For belldnady and eat outside?? does that count for dinning out??
sitting out in a park or by a nice river nature scene with Belldandy and eating a homemade bento box would be heaven!!
yeah sure is....I agree.!!!!!
A bento near a nice pretty river...T_T....I think about it everytime when I walk along the Fen River in Ely/Cambridge....

I wish one day it would come true....It's just wonderful.....
i am very simple to please so i would want to go to boston pizza (a niceish pizza place) and have the biggest pizza i could get than eat more than half while bell looks at me as if i havent eaten for weeks. (i love pizza, all types:E ) than after i fill my face i would take her to my home and watch movies i have downloadedX| eat popcorn and have a big pop:E. than after that idunno depends on how we feel:love: