I had a nanny who smoked, she would have panic attacks if she didn't have any cigerettes and would neel down and cry until my parents went to the local convenience store to get her a pack. -.-' I myself hate cigerettes, my grandfather used to be a heavy smoker, when i was a kid i hated it so i rolled up tiney peices of paper and stuck them in his ciggerette box, so when he reached in for one, he would pick up a peice of rolled paper that said 'stop smoking' he thought it was cute, but got anoiyed after i wrote the signs all over his bathroom, and under his pillows, and in hus mugs, ect ^-^' that was 9 years ago, today he is smoking free!
In Canada alot of commercials against smoking are comming out, and some of them are really upsetting, but perhaps thats a good thing, because it will wake people up and show them that smoking does not only harm the person using it, but who ever is around them (seconf hand smoke). I Think thats partly why smoking is such a big deal, i suppose if it only affected the user, no one would care as much.