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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 12:45
Belldandy Gift

If you can dine out with Bell...

Topics Ah! My Goddess If you can dine out with Bell...
I don't like alcohol either. My Dad gets drinks it everyday and smokes on top of it. That hundreds of dollars a week. He was offered a job once but when it was found out that he drinks, the offer was no more. Not sure what that job was but he could have made a LOT of money.

I never EVER want to touch alcohol. It smells really bad. Never tasted it and I don't plan on doing so.
lol i don't like the taste of beer...
but my favorite drink is cider (alcohol made from apples, not with grappes like red or white wine) and tekilla (i don't know if that's spelled right...) ^^

and if i had an evening with Bell... hmm... lol i'd probably first bake a chocolate cake with her and then we would spend a "betxeen girls" evening lol! we'd watch a really cheezy film with a really cute actor... and then we would talk about everything in bed.... that would be cool
Alcohol does not effect her...so I doubt I would have any. Although I am a fan of Absinthe...Think you could send me some Morphee?
I quite like Sherry actually..... The taste is quite unique...^^

But I don't like Beer as well...they taste absolute disgusting....

Not sure if it's legal to send wines by Air though^^
one thing for sure, if im going to take Belldandy out to dinner, we will be going to a place that doesnt have alcohol or smoke, other ppl smoking just ruins ur dining experience.
I hate the smell of smoke too. I HATE IT!!!!

I am also allergic to it too. My nose blocks up and I find it hard to breath. I used to has to live in a house full of smoke all day and I never go out so you could imagine what that was like...

No smoke is around anymore since that person who smokes is gone. It's great being in a cafe now that it's illegal to smoke in one. I love that law. It improved my quality time in a cafe a lot.:bg:
oh....Smoking is simply HORRIBLE.....I hate the smell of it and I feel difficult to breath as well if I smell it......

My cousin smokes and when I was with him.... I was simply dying and coughing all the time...... Just don't understand what the point of smoking is.....

In a non-smoking cafe is really nice.... Like the feeling....would be very happy if I can be with Belldandy ii a small nice Cafe...^^
a nice little family run restaurant or cafe would also be very nice! i would love to dine out with Belldandy! just as long its not some commercialised place like those big fast food restaurants or some posh overpriced stuck up restaurant.
Hmm...I like Ruth's Chris steakhouse. I'd take Belldandy there, unfortunatly that'd cost me like a whole months of savings. But it would be oh so worth it.
yeah I never was a big fan of smoking, although I have tried it a few times...with cigars. Lucky for me I stopped before I became addicted.
The cool thing about california is that they have all these smoking laws. So I wouldnt have to worry about this...
At my college everyone runs around smoking and as a non smoker it is simply horrible. The smoke stays in my hair and irritates my throat. I think it sucks that someone who doesn't want to smoke is forced to endure it anyway!
smoking should be gradually phased out or something, it clearly is not good for you and it harms others as well, it about time we do something about it!
Wasn't something already done about it? Not only that law was passed, I heard that pictures of rotten organs on the cigerette packet and adverts were made showing would goes inside your lungs when you smoke. I don't know what the US did though. Looks like they didn't work well though.

I knew someone who tried to stop smoking right away but he bacame extremely unfriendly. Withdrawl symptoms can be really bad. He only calmed down after he started again. So getting them off the shelves would be a bad idea. Just think about the nutcases who smoke. Driving them over the edge by taking their cigarettes away might be really bad and they might even get murderous and start killing people for cigarettes.

Okay maybe that is over the top but I know it's a bad idea to take people off of cigarettes right away.
I had a nanny who smoked, she would have panic attacks if she didn't have any cigerettes and would neel down and cry until my parents went to the local convenience store to get her a pack. -.-' I myself hate cigerettes, my grandfather used to be a heavy smoker, when i was a kid i hated it so i rolled up tiney peices of paper and stuck them in his ciggerette box, so when he reached in for one, he would pick up a peice of rolled paper that said 'stop smoking' he thought it was cute, but got anoiyed after i wrote the signs all over his bathroom, and under his pillows, and in hus mugs, ect ^-^' that was 9 years ago, today he is smoking free!

In Canada alot of commercials against smoking are comming out, and some of them are really upsetting, but perhaps thats a good thing, because it will wake people up and show them that smoking does not only harm the person using it, but who ever is around them (seconf hand smoke). I Think thats partly why smoking is such a big deal, i suppose if it only affected the user, no one would care as much.
i really dont understand it, i mean shops would immediately withdraw any comtaminated foods from the shelves that have a chance of causing cancer. However they keep the cigarettes on the shelves but the smokes are scientifically proven to cause cancer! its mad!