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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:49
Belldandy Gift

Divine Design

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Hey! Well Currently Im living in this old really ugly house while my new house gets renovated and rebuolt ^-^! However I have No Idea how to design my own room. im leaning alot on modern Japanese because I love the simplicity and even flow. But I'd like to hear from everyone else what kind of room I should have and typ of design. The layout is really cool, you open the door walk down a hall (which will be lined with pictures) and to the right of the hall is my close slide in door, then u walk a few steps into the bedroom itself which has a balcony and windows on all sides along the wall is a seconddoor to the bathroom. The room is actually a very good size space, and for age I am 17 looking for a very sophisticated look because i don't want to alter it to much once im 20. Any ideas?
hmmm i have mani ideas but what is a specific wai you would like to have your because you want it to be jap style right?
yah i could hep out alot. but it all depends on what u want
Sorry it took so long to reply ^-^ I find I often have to wait a while before Im capable of replying again ^-^ Well It has to be contemporary itaalian or japanses, here are some links to give u a good idea of what im looking for:

http://www.europeandesign.net/bedrooms.html The bed here I really like is the 3rd one ^-^

or this bed because of the cool feautes on it ^-^

There were some full bedroom sets that were really nice but i lost the link to them ^-^' When I find them again I'll show you ^-^ but currently this is the idea of what I like, very soft warm welcoming colours ^-^
i like that bed that's some thing that thei use a lot in japan though in the hotels or in peoples guest houses
The second one with the head board that rises up to give you a shelving unit ^-^? Those r cool! I like it because i like to have my books there at hand for me to read before sleeping ^-^ But the first one looks more attractive ^-^ So its hard to pic between conveniance and Beauty (sadly, lol) I love the high head boards their so pretty ^-^ As well i wonder if i can get japanses screening in simple black and white, that would be beautiful for the doors ^-^ However is it true they tair (like in anime) or in real life u can get more durable ones?
Proper shoji screens use rice paper, it's fairly strong, but it can be torn/punctured...but unless the junk piles up high in your room, or you have regular brawls there, it shouldn't be a problem.
http://www.japanshoji.com/ for shoji screen ideas, and accents, also look at thier design tips.
Lion those are lovely shoji's! I wonder if I could use a typ for sliding doors for my balcony, it would look so cozy ^-^ cause the architect told me with my bedroom typ the walls are not thck enough to support sliding doors, poo, but these are lovely ^-^