When K1 originally agreed to have his memory erased he promised "I'll remember, if we meet again". Perhaps because of this or Belldandy's inexperience/reluctance keichii's memory was not properly erased as the lord instructed.
I think Belldandy was more afraid of keichii not remembering-"his memory is returning.... please let it happen in time, there's still time left" she really wanted him to remember, probably so his memory finally could be erased.
After he finally did remember his promice, Keichii's memory of the event melted away like morning mist and as soon as the memory was gone they get a bolt from the sky and instructions from the almighty, saying "that which has been sealed away has been eliminated"
I believe belldandy's recall was based on her not carrying out the original instruction properly, and once the situation was rectified she was allowed to continue with her current contract...
and we get a happy ending