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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 12:47
Belldandy Gift

The New Belldandy Ipod Comercials

Topics Ah! My Goddess The New Belldandy Ipod Comercials
i was watching japans anime channel when i saw this ipod comercial and belldandy was dancing with an ipod i even have the wallpaper for this silli thing http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/alone_life/Desktop%20Pics/untitled8.jpg does this seem like something you can see belldandy doing?
You did put it up! ^-^ Ok, well I think it over commercializes Belldandy. It doesn't seem like the Belldandy we know to go around advertising iPods. Although I did kind of get a kick out of it ^-^ I think it is unnecissary and goes against what she is. Belldandy isn't even in to technology! She is very easy going and uses necissary equipment and uses her own voice for music, not ipod and such.
Belldandy shouldnt be used to advertise things! how dare they use her image for somthing such as this! this is an outrage! ARRRGGHHHH!
BTW i saw that pic on Minitokyo, i thought someone made it themselves? further investigation is needed.
nah it's the real thing a belldandy ipod comercial is out in japan
good to see you angel

currently Im on a commerical for ipods as well
(im the shadow looking thing)

Um...that could either be belldandy or medusa...

I can't see any good pictures to make a shillouette of belldandy out of, since her arms are almost always near her chest, and if its like that, you really can't make a shilloutte out of it...maybe using an eraser at 15% opacity or something to reveal part of the face underneath the shilloutte would have helped...I don't like the ad.
Personally, I don't agree that recognisable characters are used for commercial purposes, however it means funds for those characters' creators and thus more money for future productions.
It's a fine line between animanga remaining a specialist market and consequently not enough funds, or to mainstream animanga, and thus dilute it downwards towards the lowest common denominator, i.e. ratings.
Recently Seat released an advert on tv in the UK that had a character that looked like Rei in casual clothing snuggling up to real person....
Where do you guys see these commercials o.o? I don't see any thing like that ^-^ accept regular commercials for shows, and fake commercials made by fans to make fun of regular commercials using ane character. Such as Goku holding mentos. If anyone wants Im sure I can find it on the net, its a fairly populatr one ^-^
haha nothing beats Goku with mentos, they are by the way the "Fresh Maker"
bottom line from me is that Belldandy shouldnt be used to advertise products apart from A!MG related products. It's against her image as a goddess!
As Keiichi-K1 the Belldandy Lover i am very protective of Belldandy!
lol we kno that dad your=protective about your "woman"
Fujishima-sama can do whatever he wants with the characters. Keep in mind that as much as we all love AMG, it is popular entertainment (a lot more popular in Japan than elsewhere, but still popular entertainment). He's in this to make money... not to create a religion. If it was intended to be free, AMG would have been a webcomic and they wouldn't sell manga, anime, action figures, etc. The whole "that's selling out" arguement has always been a weak one as far as I am concerned... of course they're selling!

Now, an iJesus or iBuddha comercial... I'd be the first to see that as extremely poor taste and inappropriate, but keep in mind that Belldandy is a fictional character who is already mass marketed. Take a step back. If you resent Fujishima-sama from making a Yen or two off of his characters, then you need to stop and consider whether you've crossed that line between "fan" and "fanatic".

selling stuff is one thing, but it depends on what you're selling and how you do it. If Belldandy is going to be promoting a charity to help the needy, like the tsunami disaster fund, i'll be the first to support it. Also a lot of innocent young childrens minds look up to Belldandy and can be a big part of their early development, one must be careful how we present Belldandy's image.
I guess i'm quite an idealist, call me a fanatic or whatever you wish, but that's just the way i am.
In my heart and mind, Belldandy will always be the purest of heart, all the rest are just cheap clones.
Ah! My Goddess's target audience is not young children in their formative years, and it is irresponsible of the parents to do otherwise. If I had children, I wouldn't want them watching AMG or reading the manga until they were in their early teens. This is not a saturday morning cartoon show. Hello Kitty it is not. There are a lot of adult issues dealt with, particularly in the manga. Yes, Keiichi and Belldandy have something of a grade school love, but this manga is not for little children (if you doubt me, read the "Fourth Goddess" story arc again).

See, that's the problem... people look to popular entertainment (whether it be a character or celebrity) for role models. This is, I suppose, fine, if not a little sad. Celebrities often have extreme personalities, and characters almost always do. If Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld behaved just like normal people, then the series would be boring and noone would watch it. Urd is an interesting character because she is so over the top. Skuld is interesting because her behavior is extreme (for example, setting a bunch of traps on a beach to keep Keiichi away from Belldandy). Belldandy is interesting because of her devotion to Keiichi and heavenly goodness (pun intended), but it is taken to such an extreme that it is unrealistic. If someone tried to act like Belldandy in every situation, at best they would be taken advantage of, and at worst... well, that would be very bad.

They aren't role models though, and not intended to be such. They're characters, intended to tell an interesting story and make money in the process. If no one purchased AMG materials, I can promise you, the series would end rather quickly. Fujishima-sama would move on to something else that does make money, and who could fault him for it? Simply because you have an overly idealistic view of what AMG "should" be, does not mean that that is what it should be.

The best place to find a role model is real life... those who selflessly help others through giving their time and money to charity. The people who do what must be done, even though it costs them a great deal. A character is nothing more than a character... a reflection of real life, but not real life itself.

It is popular entertainment, plain and simple. Don't get me wrong, I love the story and the characters, but that's all they are. I'm not bothered by Belldandy appearing in an iPod commercial... in fact, I think it is cute and pretty funny and creative. Does it make me want to rush out and buy an iPod? Nope, I neither want or need an iPod.

I think as long as it is OK with the creator of the series, then it is OK with me. They're his characters, after all. If Fujishima-sama making money off of his characters displeases you to that extreme, the simpliest way to answer is with your wallet. Stop buying AMG stuff and stop watching it, because you're judging him and his creation by a standard that is highly unfair.

Larry, as always, you make a very good argument, as well as several good points. My personal feelings on this are as follows: If anything, Skuld should have been in the commercial, since she's the technology buff. ^_^; However, Belldandy is much more recognizable, so I can see why they put her in it. Yes, you're right, it is "selling out"... but it could be that Fujishima had very little to do with it. We don't have access to his contracts, so there's no way to know for sure. It could be that TBS Japan or whoever holds the rights to her television animate incarnation had the commercials done. In any case, I see it as mostly a good thing. It may be out of character for Belldandy, but this means the series is bringing in more money. So, either the quality of the following episodes will be higher, or there will be more of them. You really have to learn to see the good in all of this commericialism, because it's going to happen no matter what. As Larry said, this type of thing is done to make money first and foremost. If it wasn't, Fujishima would never have agreed to go past the manga stage of things, and posibly would never have published the manga at all. Speaking from an artists' point of view (but not *for* all artists, mind you) the goal is to do what you love, but make money doing it.

Also, where can I download this commercial? ^_^;;;