Ah! My Goddess's target audience is not young children in their formative years, and it is irresponsible of the parents to do otherwise. If I had children, I wouldn't want them watching AMG or reading the manga until they were in their early teens. This is not a saturday morning cartoon show. Hello Kitty it is not. There are a lot of adult issues dealt with, particularly in the manga. Yes, Keiichi and Belldandy have something of a grade school love, but this manga is not for little children (if you doubt me, read the "Fourth Goddess" story arc again).
See, that's the problem... people look to popular entertainment (whether it be a character or celebrity) for role models. This is, I suppose, fine, if not a little sad. Celebrities often have extreme personalities, and characters almost always do. If Belldandy, Urd, and Skuld behaved just like normal people, then the series would be boring and noone would watch it. Urd is an interesting character because she is so over the top. Skuld is interesting because her behavior is extreme (for example, setting a bunch of traps on a beach to keep Keiichi away from Belldandy). Belldandy is interesting because of her devotion to Keiichi and heavenly goodness (pun intended), but it is taken to such an extreme that it is unrealistic. If someone tried to act like Belldandy in every situation, at best they would be taken advantage of, and at worst... well, that would be very bad.
They aren't role models though, and not intended to be such. They're characters, intended to tell an interesting story and make money in the process. If no one purchased AMG materials, I can promise you, the series would end rather quickly. Fujishima-sama would move on to something else that does make money, and who could fault him for it? Simply because you have an overly idealistic view of what AMG "should" be, does not mean that that is what it should be.
The best place to find a role model is real life... those who selflessly help others through giving their time and money to charity. The people who do what must be done, even though it costs them a great deal. A character is nothing more than a character... a reflection of real life, but not real life itself.
It is popular entertainment, plain and simple. Don't get me wrong, I love the story and the characters, but that's all they are. I'm not bothered by Belldandy appearing in an iPod commercial... in fact, I think it is cute and pretty funny and creative. Does it make me want to rush out and buy an iPod? Nope, I neither want or need an iPod.
I think as long as it is OK with the creator of the series, then it is OK with me. They're his characters, after all. If Fujishima-sama making money off of his characters displeases you to that extreme, the simpliest way to answer is with your wallet. Stop buying AMG stuff and stop watching it, because you're judging him and his creation by a standard that is highly unfair.